Terrorism of another kind ..

Libya is one of the victims 


those suspected navy gangs their only important goal is to reap the money and profits from Libya's oil, fuel and gas trade.
And supply of hallucinogenic pills and drugs to the ports of Libya in Tobruk, Benghazi, Misurata, Tripoli and Zwara .. !!

Weekly, there are at least 3 million Tramadol pills reaching one of the Libyan harbors mentioned above.
This is in addition to containers of alcoholic beverages of various kinds.
Some of the cargoes fly to the airports of Maitiga, Misurata, Tobruk, Benghazi, Zintan.

Amid a major deterioration in the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Libyan families, who are now struggling to make a daily living difficult
Amid the deterioration of all aspects of services in Libya
Of drinking water supply
Providing the basics of daily food
Providing cheap medicines
Providing vaccines and inoculations
Fuel ..
Saving electricity ..
The sad problem, which reflects the fact that the world is so cynical about this poor people, is that most of the suspicious and forged meetings that take place with some Libyan names are carried out only with a slice of the Libyans who are "luxurious life style" Ex- fugitives abroad who stole huge sums of money from Libya's budget on era of Qaddafi or beyond..
Some are even involved in economic and criminal offenses and must be prosecuted internationally
Some Libyan figures in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are financing the Libyan currency printing campaign in Russia
In order to use in the acquisition of all foreign currency deployed in the Libyan market at any price
This has increased the price of the dollar in the domestic Libyan market, and contributed to the increase in inflation and the cruelty of life and its cover in the face of the burning Libyan citizen.
Who has the international political ability to investigate these warships and fleets roaming the Libyan coast " interestless ", and contrary to international legal standards and regional and moral ?!
Corruption financed by foreign agencies suspicious, and corruption fueled by Libyan hands contaminated with the blood of innocents ..

misrata harbor received :
26 mil pills Tramadol
30 mil pills drugs
16611 alcoholic bottles
since a month .. The officials said that they smashed all quantity..


Three days ago, some European countries began to broadcast rumors that there was a slave trade in Libya and started to inflame the black people against the Libyan citizens. Black demonstrations against the Libyans took place in some parts of Europe, the most important being in Paris.
France relies heavily on the militias of African mercenaries to put its military and economic footprint in the southern Libyan , Where the undiscovered gold mines are still available in southern Libya.
And there are also several European countries called for the resettlement of Africans in Libya without regard to the economic situation, political and security in an independent country like Libya ..
Two days ago Italian warships were spotted guarding the illegal European fishermen in the territorial waters , This time north of Tobruk, east of Libya ..
The same violations have been observed in the past years in the Libyan territorial waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the Libyan west , Zawahra, Zawya, Sirte
European countries are only looking to increase their wealth even if they are at the expense of the strength and sovereignty of other countries that falsely claim that they are politically supported and back libyan national unity and independence !

related to :   violations south libya


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