
Showing posts from March 12, 2017

11 sep 2012 , PLAN B

When watching the history of assassinations carried out by Mossad We can speculate though initially that the US ambassador in Benghazi  assassination were not only one of the repeated scenes .. Death by strangulation .. using either wire, anesthesia, poisoning, heavy smoke .. Lack of access to the truth of what happened, or may have been reached to the truth but withheld that fact .. because the actor was a friend! Or because the consequences of that crime has been somewhat in the interest of the United States .. Or maybe there are those who persuaded the United States that the results will be in favor, there is no need to raise and open the case files again ..

Economic ruin in Libya caused by the officials of banks

After the scandal of involvement of Hafter and Gaddafi cells  in attacked Italian embassy in Tripoli a month ago and a few remarks to a spokesman of Hafter and also the commander of an operations in western Libya of Hafter Col. madi Alzentani  that they have armed battalions inside the capital, Tripoli, waiting for the zero hour. And after the spread of a large financial corruption in program of unprecedented in foreign US dollar currency distributed to citizens in most of the banks in Libya, especially Tripoli ..

hacked libya .. from hanadi to falak ..!

(Falak Jamil Ali al-Assad)) and be ((cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad)) and her father, millionaire ((Jamil al-Assad)) Syrian president's brother dead ((Hafez Assad)) .. is one of the whales of libyan outside petrolium investment  bank ,  was working in a bank in Switzerland and holds ((Libyan passport diplomat) to help her engage in intelligence work in favor of the regime of Bashar Assad.

dirty game by western countries in Libya And the negativety of the United Nations Mission

3 days ago It began a foreign jets un- identitified began in support of the defeated forces of Hafter at the oil Crescent , where that technology of night vission bombardment does not have available in hafter clasic air force. the NATO alliance with al-Gaddafi came after 2012 and particularly after the US ambassador was killed in Benghazi , Crime that has remained a mystery to many observers Saif al-Islam Gaddafi said in an audio recording was leaked across the room Pal-talk jan2014 " that NATO will be an ally for them ,and that the task of eradicating rats _as he described_ will be easier when expelled them out the cities, till NATO Airforce targeting them at outer locations ". *مقطع سيف