Russia - Gaddafi - Libya

On Tuesday October 1, 2013 At 9:00 o'clock AM A 24-year-old Russian girl, wearing a hijab as a disguise, approached To the house of the Colonel in the Libyan Air Force / Muhammad Al-Andalusi Al-Sousi, 52y knocked on the door, and as soon as the victim opened the door, a hail of bullets was fired at him by AK47 gun turned him dead, while the victim's mother came out screaming but the russian attacked her with a several stabs after the Russian girl's weapon broke down. The victim's neighbors rushed to the scene of the attack and surrounded the house Where they found the attacking Russian with a cup of the victim's blood in her hand and she wrote It has the phrase "Death to the rats " on the wall of the house , a phrase used by Gaddafi against his opponents during the period of the Libyan revolution 2011. This was followed by the presence of the Security Committee in the Souq al-Jumaa area in Tripoli, and was chaired by it Hashem Bishr, known at the time a...