Russia - Gaddafi - Libya


On Tuesday October 1, 2013

At 9:00 o'clock AM

A 24-year-old Russian girl, wearing a hijab as a disguise, approached

To the house of the Colonel in the Libyan Air Force / Muhammad Al-Andalusi Al-Sousi, 52y

knocked on the door, and as soon as the victim opened the door, a hail of bullets was fired at him

by AK47 gun turned him dead, while the victim's mother came out screaming but the russian attacked  her with a several stabs after the Russian girl's weapon broke down.

The victim's neighbors rushed to the scene of the attack and surrounded the house

Where they found the attacking Russian with a cup of the victim's blood in her hand and she wrote

It has the phrase "Death to the rats " on the wall of the house , a phrase used by Gaddafi

against his opponents during the period of the Libyan revolution 2011.

This was followed by the presence of the Security Committee in the Souq al-Jumaa area in Tripoli, and was chaired by it Hashem Bishr, known at the time as one of the revolutionaries in the district of Souq Aljumaa area in Tripoli.



In this video recording of the time when the security committee entered the victim's house, can hears

In the recording, one of the members of that committee says that he found a flash drive USB

And a phone and a weapon in the victim's car.

The first post that was uploaded on Facebook: one of the victim’s friends commented on it, saying:

The Russian ambassador, Ivan Moltkov, called or met the victim in Malta on 2012

And he threatened to kill him if he did not hand over important information regarding the arms deals that were signed by Gaddafi and Russia, as well as information about Gaddafi's bank balances in Russia.

The commentator added that the victim was part of a military committee that witnessed signing operations On arms deals between Libya and Russia during the Gaddafi era.

The commentator on the Facebook post said that the victim had told him that information.

Conclusions and the final conclusion that the killer Russian spy could not get

On the information in the possession of the Libyan officer and that Hashem Bishr is the one who obtained that information

But the Russian pressures and the pursuit of Hashem Bishr continued until his brother Hisham Bishr was assassinated on March 30, 2014 in mysterious circumstances, and here the ideas direction of the former revolutionary changed 180° to move from the camp of the February 17 revolutionaries to the camp against them supported by Russia, France, Egypt, the Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

                                                HESHAM BESHR brother of HACHEM BESHR 

At the time, everyone believed that Hashem Bishr had released the Russian spy killer girl and handed
her over with all the important information he entrusted to Russia in exchange for his life and safety.
In general, the Russian military presence inside Libya is old since the 70's of the last century. There are a large number of arms and military cooperation contracts that Gaddafi had concluded with the Soviet Union and Russia.
The number of bank balances, the value of what Gaddafi deposited in Russia and the value of military contracts signed with Russia, these information are still unknown.


Anonymous said…
any email where I can contact you ? it is urgent and important. thank you .
Anonymous said…
يلعن ربك يا نطفة الحرام

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