Wrong beginning of the presidential council in Tripoli

The government of national accord in Tripoli chose to ally itself with militias from the capital's population, not a military trained and many of its members were serving sentences in the prisons under the rule of Gaddafi for their crimes. They were released in July and August 2011 before the fall of Tripoli

The most prominent of these militias / radaa, ghniwa , and battalion of the tripoli rebels led by haythem tajuri.
It has been noticed in recent weeks that these militias, which are part of the so-called Security Arrangements Committee, have started a large campaign to hunt down all the opponents of the Sarraj government and arrest them.

the matter has evolved to demolish their houses and steal their contents.
Without any judicial orders or permission from the prosecution regarding the demolition of houses, also ,  the Attorney General in Tripoli did not comment on the ongoing irregularities.

Witnesses from the capital confirmed that about 8 houses "at least "were demolished in Tripoli in several areas.
The families of those dissidents whose homes have been demolished have been displaced without shelter.
While Mr. Al-Sarraj and his government speak in an ingenious and harmonious manner about the harmony between the Libyans and the spread of peace and love ! , moving away from military escalation.
But the actions of his militias are horrifying to his words,,

There is tension and rage among the armed militias in the capital because of these irresponsible behaviors
This increases the number of armed men joining each of the conflicting parties
And nourishes the spirit of revenge
In addition to the rule of the policy of violence and counter-violence, rather than tolerance and consensus.

 wrote phrases on the wall of Khaled al-Sharif's house
This demolished house has become the property of a resident of Tripoli " holy property " !!
language close to be a " forest lang "


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