Game of money and the lie of democracy

UAE investments in billions of pounds in Britain
hundreds of billions purchase of weapons deals from Britain to the UAE
Financial deposits in England banks byUnited Arab Emirates .
Contracts and franchises for dozens of English companies in the UAE
The UAE is using its financial power to threaten politicians and decision-makers in London and Washington..
Perhaps not in the sense of threat but economic pressure and blackmail, to the point of bribery
This has been reported by several newspapers and international reports..

The only condition for Emirati princes and capitals is to fight the "Brotherhood"
The UAE is obsessed and its only ghost is the "Muslem Brotherhood"
It has succeeded in playing its financial card with Britain and America in changing a democratically elected Arab president in Egypt.
, supported the return of Ben Ali's regime to power in Tunisia
And now supports the return of Gaddafi's regime in Libya with all the strength, with some formative changes apparent
There are auto and oil companies, oil exploration contracts, major sports fund financing contracts, and arms purchase deals
It is concluded with the British and the United States
In addition to finding jobs for Western companies within the UAE
The game of political bribes played by the UAE with great distinction .. reached the degree of requiring certain names for appointment as Western diplomats in countries where the UAE wants to interfere in its internal affairs , Control the formation of UN support teams sent by the United Nations to areas of Arab conflict.
Control the formation of parties that are formed within the countries of conflict, according to agendas that are consistent with the vision of the UAE.
Egypt, Tunisia, Libya are very clear examples of UAE policy based on bribery, extortion and sometimes threat.
It is also witnessed the corruption of many Western political figures and their collapse in the face of money.


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