From Darfur to Libya .. exporting crisis

After the fall of Gaddafi, particularly after the election of the General National Congress, African countries neighboring Libya began to play a negative role and devastating against Libya was interpreted as financial blackmail and search for mercenary.
I mean here Sudan, Chad, Niger
These countries, which hosts a French military bases on the most likely
Beset their people under the poverty line ..
And it did not find it necessary to send their people to Libya, the country newly liberated from the dictatorship era of  Al-Gaddafi..

In public and in front of the world those countries claiming its neighbor to the south of Libya as a friendly and supportive to build nations and the stability of Libya, but it's actually far from that completely .
they has been launched hundred thousands of illegal  migrants from its territory through Libya to migrate northward to Europe.
صور مهاجرين افارقة

political and military officials from these African countries involved in mission of  the leadership of armed gangs in smuggling economically backed "goods , fuel , equipments , gold , copper , steel , cars , companies properties...etc  " from Libya to stores and public markets of these countries south of the Sahara
صور تهريب بضائع وأليات

South Libya became a daily park hotbed of the African bandits , in the form of armed gangs raised the flags and banners of their countries , speak different languages for indigenous people of Libya, and carrying documents and passports of non-Libyan.
صورة علم تشاد في ليبيا
صور جوازات افارقة

But the increased seriousness and became a remarkable attention when party leaders and officers in the Libyan army and Libyan militias heads began depending military  on militias of mercenaries from southern Libya states and brought into the armed conflicts and wars raging in Libya, under the name of "the Libyan National Army " = "LNA"
صور جيش ليبي مرتزقة

Some Libyan state institutions and party leaders have spent billions of dollars to get in those mercenaries from Sudan, Chad and Niger to fight and attack specific areas in Libya, and even use the Libyan oil installations.

bring in mercenaries done by fled out  Libya political powers, whom want to restore the former regime at any price and in any way, especially in the UAE, Egypt, Jordan and France, and the libyan funds has been used was unclear sources.
may be frozen Assets  has been manipulated.
Or assets belonging to Gaddafi have been deposited under name of those influential people such as: Mahmoud Jibril, Arif Nayed, Issa Abdel Majeed, "Bashir Saleh Altbawi"(the top suspected ^), Aisha Gadhafi,
safya Ferckash, omran Abokraa ..
abdulmajeed imligtah , 

City of Alkofra southwestern Libya has been attacked several times by Sudanese militia rebel Justice and Equality opposition, headed by Issa Altbawi Abdul Majeed, a resident in Paris under the protection and support of France, the main supporter of Gen. Hafter.
It has also been used chadian Tabu to defend "Al-wotya" base far western Libya allayed with the Zintan militias.
And sent thousands of mercenaries Tabu to Benghazi and Derna to fight in a row of Gen. Hafter.
The Gaddafi supporters in Sabha and village of "alshati" used tabu to fight the forces that brought down Gaddafi in 2011.
And observed several reports since 2013 that the tribal militias led by Ibrahim Al-jadhran has acquired the ports and oil fields in the oil Crescent area and used within its mercenaries from Chad and Sudan.
the Gn Hafter and after the invasion of the oil zone, used the African militias of the same, but under his command because he pays them.
When fighting terrorists in the city of Sirte was noted that a significant proportion of "Daesh" were Africans.
And do not forget that the malice "Azawad" opposition Movement of the Republic of Mali, hired with Gaddafi and provided them with weapons in 2011 and used in the besieged capital of the south "Sabha", and fighting his opponents.
how ever in  Libya reflects Tabu militias are the most common in the ranks of the so-called Libyan National Army

#more_pic at raslanuf oil port village and briga port "new data" came from zintan , ghat , murzug
to back hafter at oil crescent zone.

Libya suffer and exhausted, does not lack more trouble than its neighbors
must put an end to those hackers who are increasing our suffering, and have depleted the wealth of this stricken country.
================  #update
report illegal migration

Recent photos on 29 April 2017
A convoy of dozens of military SUVs for the smuggling of illegal immigration, for a fee of 5000 dinars per person, 60 km south and southwest of the Libyan city of Kufra

south town of zella , SLA soldiers "Arko Minawi wing" celebrating the area of "Buqsaa" 30 km south of the city of  Zella
With them a white-skinned person from the city  named "Abdelhafid Osman Abadi" appears in the second 42 of the video, and was brought with the support of the French intelligence, and a Libyan person named "Hilal Bouamoud"

28°32′56″N 17°33′04″E


Somewhere in southern Libya
The gangs of mercenaries and looting of Chadians divide the spoils of the Libyan money among them
may 2017

Since the success of Haftar in the occupation of oil ports and airports in southern Libya with Italian French-Egyptian-Emirati support
, He faced the problem of shortage of military number of fighters .. He needs soldiers to carry weapons in several areas in Libya while he was pending the elimination of the last strongholds of resistance of his opponents in Benghazi and Derna.
Hefter sought to use African mercenaries with dark skin, especially from Chad and Darfur
He used them in Benghazi a lot, in Jufra,  Shati and Sabha
He pays them generously from the accounts in UAE and also prints the Libyan currency in Russia, which he uses to buy the dollar from the parallel market to fund his war against Libyan dissidents.

Several confirmed reports of the presence of a large number of African mercenaries in the city of Zella , which lies east of Jufra by about 170 km
The safety valve for the Libyan oil crescent is especially south-west
Share some of the pictures you have obtained, show the mercenaries in a military dress belonging to the forces of  Haftar under the name of the Libyan National Army " LNA "!

Some official documents were sent by officers under the leadership of Haftar, proving that they are fully aware of and involved in the subject of the recruitment of African mercenaries and their annexation to the armed militias of Hafter under the name of the Libyan army.
Documents from Jufra base

colonel : ali mohamed saad , sent a message to (Front for Reconciliation for Change, Chad)
gave them knowledge that the chadian colonel : nouri soliman kokni
will be the commander of the assistance force " mercenaries " in one of jufra camps
colonel : ali mohamed saad , sent a message to (officer : ismael ahmed turab = non libyan name)
orders him to cooperate with the assistance force " mercenaries " in one of jufra camps
named " washka barrack "
colonel ali mohammed el thomon ask permission to wander to south libya at village "um alaraneb"
to bring mercenaries 
shows Chad Chadian opposition rebels are moving a large armed convoy within the desert not clear if they were they authorized by hefter or foreign state intervened in the libyan affairs !

Since the beginning of the announcement of Haftar for the start of his military coup against the General National Conference and the constitutional declaration in Libya
In 2014, he used several African mercenaries, especially from the Tabu tribe
And sent several Libyan political figures to the countries of Sudan, Niger and Chad in order to recruit those mercenaries
And provided them with weapons, ammunition and money.
The tabu gangs took part in several battles inside Benghazi, Crescent Petroleum and Al Jufra in central Libya , Sabha, and Brak Shati
Along with Gaddafi's army battalions.
The Tabou militias are now trying to lead the French-backed Issa Abdelmajid, who is trying to take control of the southern Libyan capital of Sebha.
And succeeded in controlling several important sites within the city,
Currently, the Tabu militias control many villages and strategic cities in southern Libya, including:
Tragen, Qatroun, Murzeq, Umm al-Araneb, Zuwaila, Al-Wiege region, Zella, Houn, South Kufra, South Sabha and  al-fughaa

Several recordings appeared to document cases of ethnic and racial hatred and inhumane treatment by the Tabu militias against the Libyan population of Arab origin.
More than 90% of the Tibetan militias do not speak Arabic and do not hold official Libyan documents

The military leadership in eastern Libya and also in western Libya has remained silent and has not intervened until now


More armed infiltration of the Chadian gangs and the opposition Justice &Equality Movement (JEM) entered southern

A speech full of hatred and insult to the Arab race in Libya
This mercenary pledges to cleanse Libya of the Arabs

Camps for the assembly and training of young people from the Tabu tribe in the south of Libya

African snipers dominate the main meeting hall inside Sabha
They shoot citizens inside the city

Violations by the mercenary militias coming from and against the people of the village of southernmost ( cleansing)


Chadian gangs from Niger and Chad are stationed in the village of in southern and pledge to liberate from Libyan Arabs
The historical fortress of Sabha is destroyed by the deliberate bombardment of heavy weapons by Chadian mercenary militias

Sudan's Justice and Equality Front (JEM) is setting up training camps for its militias in the southern city of Sabha
Backed by weapons, military vehicles and trucks , supported by region and foreign states

The training of African mercenaries in southern Libya in order to raise the problems and the crisis of the Libyan situation with the support of the intelligence of foreign countries, the highest interest in fueling the security situation in southern Libya
In 2017 France decided to form a military force from African countries and support it to intervene in southern Libya
On the pretext of combating illegal immigration, I think what is happening today is the results of a former director of Blackwater and the French intelligence

Acts of torture and abuse against Libyan citizens in the city of Tragen in the south by the African mercenaries of the Tabu tribe
In Feb 2016
Sudanese opposition Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attacked the Libyan town of Kufra,
Most of its fighters were from the Tabu tribe, the same militias that attacked Sabha and Jufra and cooperated with General Haftar
After the victory vs them near the city of Kufra found in their positions a UAE military food 
And understand that the UAE has stood as a major supporter of mercenaries in order to destabilize the security situation in southern Libya and the depletion of the capabilities of Libyans combat, economic and political

 Egyptian ammunition and weapons were also found
And international calling cards

The Libyan city of Tazerbo, in the far south of Libya, lies above a large oil and gas basin and strategically controls the routes of smuggling and transporting metals and gold from illegal mines controlled by Western and European security companies. Gunmen.
The city has been subjected to several terrorist attacks (I personally believe that African armed bands are responsible for these attacks), the last of which was on November 23.

The gangs of mercenaries are active in kidnappings for ransom.
Destruction of water and electrical installations in the southern Libyan.
Smuggling and theft of industrial and economic equipment for water, electricity and agricultural equipment from projects in southern Libya.
Drug and weapons trade.
These are some of the pictures found on the phones of some elements of the African mercenary militias near the city of Tazrbo:

sabha , south libya

CCMS militia backed by france .

military vehicle belong to LNA of Hafter 

heavy tank of the mercenaries 

mining for gold 

Some elements of the African mercenary militias in southern Libya have already worked under the umbrella of the United Nations, the blue United Nations flag is in the background.

hafter LNA vehicles used by the bandits militias 

hafter LNA vehicles used by the bandits militias


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