The Libya Air traffic - story of conflict

Mitiga air port , " MJI " :-

Since the escape of Gaddafi from the capital Tripoli in mid-August 2011 and the entry of Libyan opposition forces to it
The control of the armed militias on the base of Maitiga air in late August 2011
which was as next  :

"Bony" militia and most of its assets from the region of " Tarhuna tribe "/ controls of the air traffic control tower and the flight hall
And has become the control of civil flights inside and outside Libya.

Militias from the "souq eljumaa" district of ​​Tripoli led by the bearded Salafi / Abdul Raouf Karra
controls a group of buildings inside the base and used as headquarters for security operations and prisons .
Some buildings are controlled by the militias of what is known as the "Battalion of the revolutionaries of Tripoli = katiba thowar traples " led by the so-called "Haitham Kabbaili" famous as "Tajouri"
the heavy and intensive air traffic within the base has increased following the destruction and burning of Tripoli International Airport " TIP" due to the war of 2014.
how ever ..
Departs from Maitika Airport Domestic flights to:
Oil fields.
ALbayda . - --  LAQ
Tobruk.-------- TOB
Sabha. -------- SEB
ubari .--------- QUB
Ghat ----------GHT
and also
There are international flights to:
Sfax -----------SFA
Ammaan ----AMM
Khartoum .----KRT
Accra, Ghana "Chartres flight"
Valletta Malta "Chartres flight"
In the beginning in 2011 to 2013 .. Partially and fairly / somewhat things were organized and treated , the staff at the airport are acceptable by 70-80%
But then things started getting worse. .Until it became disastrous ..
The way these militias control the airport and international flights has changed to the method of financial extortion and bribery, stealing passengers' bags, interfering in the work of airlines and forcing foreign travelers, especially from certain nationalities such as "Sudan, Bangladesh, the Egyptians , Pakistan  " to force them to pay Financial commissions for boarding , Theft of personal belongings and bags ,and  Cancellation of travel tickets for some passengers in order to board other people instead of them.
Focus on specific travel seasons for certain nationalities, for example:
Focus on trips Tripoli - Alexandria two months before the date of  " Ramadan "
Because most Egyptians travel home to stay there with their families that month. The naughty gangsters at the airport take this opportunity to blackmail travelers with fancy money over the cost of the ticket to allow them to board the plane.
It was also noticed that fake security gates were erected in front of the main gate of the Maitiga airport " some days " , in order to steal and loot foreign passengers wishing to enter the airport, especially from other cities outside Tripoli.
If we illustrate some examples:
A ticket on the Libyan Airlines from Tripoli to Alexandria for the price of the main system 340 dinars
"one way" / the militias in the passenger lounge do not allow the Egyptian to get the boarding card only after paying from 300 dinars to 700 dinars, "depending on the season and conditions of the time traveler.
This applies to flights to Khartoum or Istanbul.
In addition to theft and extortion, it also recorded several attacks on domestic and international airlines, shooting at aircraft objects, disrupting movement or threatening to fire if they had a customer "engaged with in deal" need to board him free

All international airlines Has stopped flights and work in Libya, due to repeated attacks on its offices , aircrafts and threaten their safety
The most common feature of the gangs operating at the airport is the use of drugs , alcoholic beverages and carrying weapons openly and clearly in the face of passengers, in a terrifying and terrorist way

some photos of militants controlled mitiga MJI
There were many cases of shooting inside the passengers' lounge, which caused panic and terror among them.
There have often been armed clashes between these gangs inside the airport building because of the desire to control and expand influence, or because of disagreements over sharing what is obtained from thefts and extortion.
There are also large-scale counterfeiting operations on the passports, especially for foreigners leaving Libya
It was also noticed the proliferation of fraudulent offices and agencies that claim to specialize in issuing visas to countries around the world, but illegally steal passengers' money.

There are also reports of attacks on financial deposits coming from abroad that are supposed to be deposited in the Central Bank of Libya but have not reached the bank.

There are reports confirming the use of the airport in the import of drugs, hallucinations, alcoholic drinks and weapons

The airport is not used for travel only, but there are secret prisons, no one knows the number of prisoners within or how many! Or the conditions of their imprisonment
No human or human rights organizations have been able to enter these prisons.
Each militia has its own prisons.

Important note :
The criminal militias that control the base of Mitiga impose a security cordon that prevents media coverage inside the airport terminal
And prevent any media activity leaking any information about the unfair daily violations carried out by these gangs against passengers
This is the reason for the lack of information about the airport.


Other Note:
Flights at Maitiga airport or other airports in Libya suffer greatly from the lack of discipline in the timing of takeoff
Travelers in Libya, most of whom are in need of treatment abroad, suffer from delayed flights, both domestic and international
There is negligence  in experience, carelessness in timing the flights depart.
Some foreigners have been delayed with Afriqiyah " 8U" and Libyah " LN" flights, resulting in the loss of other international flights at Istanbul Tunis airport connected with
, causing considerable financial losses
And they didn't receive any compensation from airports of Libya because of the absence of the state
It also notes the lack of attention to safety procedures and security inspection inside Libyan airports, which seriously threatens the security and safety of airports and air transport in Libya.

The absence of any specialized training courses and experts, which caused to lower the level of services at airports in Libya.
Some local airlines are using armed militias deliberately to terrorize foreign airlines and force them not to return to Libya

The Central Bank of Libya refuses to transfer financial dues in foreign currency from Libya to abroad and this has caused the flight of many foreign airlines and non-return, the most recent Royal Moroccan lines " AT"
The high prices of domestic and international flights aboard "8U" &"LN"Air lines in a fantastic way and above the ability of the simple Libyan citizen
With low in-flight hospitality services, as the cleanliness of the aircraft and the lack of food meals inside or low level.
In addition to all of the above, the very bad reputation of the airport of Maitiga caused great damage to the Libyan economy, especially with regard to the reputation of tourism and international air navigation with the rest of the world.
Many countries have refused to consider opening any civil or tourist flights with Libya because a handful of criminals control air traffic at airports.
Many countries have begun to impose a visa on Libyans wishing to travel there.
Some countries have refused to allow Libyans to travel permanently or even on a visa
Such as Morocco.
We also have Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan.
Europe, America, most of Asia.
And the worst crimes, which happened yesterday (July 4th)
After armed clashes between criminal gangs at the airport of Maitiga , the use of heavy weapons and mortars
One of the shells fired from the airport of Maitiga fell on a civilian gathering on the beach, killing at least five people and injuring 4 others..
Including two children, a woman and the father of the "AL madani"

victims children : omran and sirin al-madani


All these crimes and bullying at the airport of Maitika  made most travelers, "especially foreigners," preferring to travel from Misurata Airport " MRA" , 220 kilometers east of Tripoli
( The process is relative, and we do not mean that Misurata Airport does not suffer from problems of lack of experience or negligence
But information from eyewitnesses of the passengers
It is much better than the mess that is in Tripoli, Al-bayda , Sebha or Tobruk )

Because of the great difference in the ethics of handling and positive discipline by the civil service employees in Misurata relative to what is in Tripoli.
Travelers from the nationalities of "Sudan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt"
I am talking in this report from my experience of personal and eyewitnesses, I'm being employed in an agency for travel and tourism and every day , talk to travelers and hear their problems.
Misurata International Airport was subjected to a fierce war by the government of Abdullah al-Thini in al-Bayda eastern and the parliament of Tobruk "HOR"
Because of political decisions and recommendations that prevent Misurata Airport from launching international flights directly or indirectly to certain countries specially that are supportive and compatible with Tobruk such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,

For many years, direct and indirect flights between Misurata and Sudan have been suspended.
, The weekly flights between Misrata and Tunisia were reduced
 And between Misrata and Turkey also
It is surprising that the management of the Maitiga airport in Tripoli is involved in supporting all decisions that would obstruct the operation of Misurata airport or increase the number of international flights from Misrata, because this would cause great damage to the revenues of the militias controlling there in Maitiga .

Currently all aircraft taking off from Misrata or Tripoli are forced to land in Tobruk or Al-Bayda
For the inspection and review of the names of passengers
Authorities in Egypt and Jordan refuse to accept any flights that have not been approved by security authorities in eastern Libya.
This increases the disruption, slowness and corruption of tourism and air navigation in a politically, economically and socially torn country,,

The suffering of this country has been exacerbated by the fighting of countries of financial resources from the Gulf region
In 2014, the United Arab Emirates withdrew and stopped most of the electronic reservation sites and systems for tickets and hotels booking in Libya, which greatly hindered tourist services in this country.

Libya is a very large country

And is fantastically rich with neglected and forgotten tourist attractions
, is a country with diverse terrain, climate and history
It has rich tourist ores in desert, sea, springs and aquatic lakes ,Green mountain forests
Greek, Roman, Phoenician, Germanic antiquities and civilizations , and ancient stone ages
There are monuments, historical cities and fossil forests that have not been discovered or studied
Libya is a tourist mystery and an economic project that has not received its share of global attention

More than 30 Egyptian citizens are waiting for permission to board the plane from Maiteqa to Alexandria airport
Since August 17, 2017 at the airport of Maitika tripoli
Militias controlling the airport prevented them from going up without explaining the reasons
I met some Egyptians returning from Tripoli and assured me that the militias gave priority to boarding families and left unmarried couples without a card.. !
After she promised them to board the plane the next morning, but the next day did not keep their promises, forcing them to pay the extra expenses of the hotel and Taxi rent , and the Egyptians returned to Misrata in a state of despair and great annoyance and decided to travel by land to egypt


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