The Libyan crisis is the victim of a hidden international lobby

Extremist political and ideological gangs in the British House of Commons and the US Senate
With capital "capitalists" and directors of major companies in the fields of energy and oil control and manipulate the political and military situation inside Libya.
This has been happening for a long time, and the results of those operations have emerged since 2011 until today ..

They are assisted by people from inside Libya.
Perhaps Henry Levy is the facade only. There are other extremists beyond ..
What is happening in Libya has nothing to do with official governments in Western countries..
Some influential figures in Western governments have benefited from Gaddafi's fall
Libya's assets were frozen in the banks of several countries, and what is announced from the stocks is a point in the sea..Of the funds that Gaddafi had deposited under the names of companies and people 
Libyan officials who knew the truth about these assets were either killed in mysterious circumstances like Shukri Ghanem or silenced, threatened or bribed.
There are several economic studies that show imaginary figures for Libyan investments in Russia, China, Britain, Italy ،FRANCE ، Argentina, Serbia, Ukraine, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, UAE ، South Africa, Congo, Mali
Investments focused on agriculture, hotels and tourism, arms deals, investment in sports clubs, automobile manufacturers, oil companies, Communications .


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