Horrific shot from Sabratha

Introduction :

It is striking that the armed Hafter militias (consisting of a tribal mix with the remnants of the armed group of Gaddafi fighters, the hateful criminals filled with a desire for revenge and thirst for violence) did not control any area in Libya without spread chaos, war crimes and violations were unthinkable
Sabha, Jufra, Sabratha, Derna, Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Oil Crescent region , Shuwairf, Brakshati

In mid-November 2017

With the support of General Hafter and his backer countries, the Gaddafi militias took control of the town of Sabrata west of the capital Tripoli 80 kilometers, and was encouraged by a large media wave claiming that the attack was aimed at combating fuel smuggling and illegal immigration to Europe
(And of course it did not materialize because it was just a decorative lie)

The most prominent militias that attacked Sabratha are the Al-Wadi (Salafist) militia and the Orouba brigade (an armed militia of the so-called Popular Resistance Brigade of the Gaddafi regime)
Al-Orouba militias are led by a former regime officer named Muhammad Shaban Ashtiwi,
(famed by al-Kubba)
This person is one of the most serious criminals wanted in Libya since 2011

He has been charged with dozens of abductions, torture, murder and car theft.
He is one of the strongest supporters of the Gaddafi regime to the point of extremism and obsession.
He is still in the city of Sabratha until the date of this report and he practices his criminal activity on a daily basis

On October 24, 2017, the armed wing of Mu'ammar al-Qadafi announced the establishment of the Orouba Brigade

 And concentrated in Sabratha and asked all the militants who had fought alongside Gaddafi in 2011 to the speed of joining this military brigade, from all areas of western Libya, (for the liberation of Libya from clients and traitors)
The statement said that the resistance brigade of Gaddafi does not recognize the government of reconciliation GNA PC , called it as a government of agents (clients and traitors) . (The statement did not comment on the government of eastern Libya or the leadership of Hafter)
On April 24, 2018, the General Attorney-of Tripoli and the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department issued an urgent arrest warrant
For a group of criminal elements complained by citizens, was on top of wanted figure 1 / Mohammed al-Kubba
But this was not done for unclear reasons .

At the city of Sabratha , region of Jfara (south east the city) 27 June 2018
Found bodies of 3 people :-
1 - Abdulbari abulghaith (nicknamed "emrira") ...
2. Ahmed Miftah abulghaith ...
3. abulghaith Mahmoud abulghaith ...
They were kidnapped while traveling and passing through the center of Sabratha ,
Taken to the house of Muhammad al-Kubba (the criminal), with the help of Muhammad al-Abyad Beleid.
The reasons for the kidnapping are unknown, and are motivated by revenge against elements opposed to the Gaddafi regime Or is it for ransom?

However, it is appalling that inside the house (place of detention) the abductees were brutally tortured by the cooking in boiling water with violent beating, until the dead,

The bodies of victims were thrown in the area of ​​Jafara 60 km southeast of the city of Sabratha.
One of the victims is the dean of the municipality of Ajilat,

Those criminals are the military wing of the Popular Liberation movement Libya in Sabratha.
The criminal: Mohammed Eshtiwi _ Alkubba
He is an army officer under authority of General Hafter
He was honored by the main military operations room in Sabratha, headed by
Brigadier Omar Abdul Jalil

So far, the Salafist and Al-Wadi militia, which is under the leadership of Hafter, has not made any security move against the criminals.
Haftar's control of Sabratha has resulted in the displacement of thousands of Libyan families from their homes outside the city. due fear on their lives, and avoiding the theft, looting and destruction demanded dozens of homes and property belonging to opponents of Hafter or Gaddafi .
The residents of Sabratha and the surrounding towns demand the arrest of Mohammed al-Abyad and Muhammad Shaaban Shtiwi al-Kubba, and the pursuit of their militias in order to establish security in the western region of Libya.


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