Call for Development and expansion

The Faculty of Science was established in Misrata on 1988
While the first university was established in Misurata on 2004, which includes several different faculties

The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medical Technology are located at the eastern entrance of the city
These buildings were fully exploited by Gaddafi's snipers when they entered the city on March 2011
The buildings were not released from the Kadhafi militia until after eight months of mutual bombardment
The Faculty of Science and Technology has been devastated and destroyed
The state was unable to maintain these university colleges in the city
Laboratories, lecture lab classes , departments and lecture halls still suffer from the effects of destruction and lack of services
like sewerage, electricity and coating, providing modern laboratory equipment, providing chemicals for the performance of students' course, providing laboratory furniture ..etc
Unfortunately, the municipal council in the city of Misurata is accused of gross negligence and clear negativity towards these requirements
Which did not find a voice to reach out to officials in Libya
These are simple shots from the chemistry labs at the Faculty of Science
For example but not limited to


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