Summary of the failed experiment of the Parliament of Libya

The Parliament of Tobruk

Since the election of the Tobruk parliament in 2014
The ruling of the Supreme Constitutional Court overturned the nullity of the results and the work of Parliament due to explicit legal violations in the electoral law and the workplace.
The only achievements are:

Vote in unannounced meetings of the media on decisions that agreed  foreign aircraft strikes on Libyan cities, causing the loss of civilian lives by hundreds
Economically Increase inflation
Monthly salary delay
Increase social rupture
Taking crucial decisions away from media coverage
The absence of a quorum for the sessions, especially during the adoption of sensitive decisions concerning the fate of Libya
The specter of partitioning Libya has become closer than ever
A large number of parliamentarians, especially from western Libya, were unable to carry out their duties within the rest of the legislative parliamentary family because of the lack of security in the city that hosted the parliament.
The entry and settlement of terrorism to Libya, especially in Sirte and eastern Derna
Increase smuggling through official and unofficial state gates
Increase the salaries of deputies and political officials at the expense of fiscal deficit in the general budget of Libya
Frequent stops in oil production, lack of insurance and protection of oil fields and ports
A large financial deficit and almost complete lack of health, education and security services
Increase the welfare and expenses of the families of MPs and political officials outside Libya / like treatment, schools, stays, buying residential and recreational properties in Egypt, UAE, Europe, Jordan ..
The increase in financial corruption and the rise in the price of foreign currencies in the parallel market
To increase the strength of the military dictatorship against political objects.
The increase in the rate of assassinations, bombings and kidnappings in all areas of Libya
The increase in the rate of  financial and administrative corruption in the Libyan investments abroad, and also within the departments of the Central Bank of Libya
A split in the administration of Central Libya bank into two parts east and west.
Perhaps the reasons that led to the failure of the Libyan parliament's experience in Tobruk could be summed up:
1. The election centers in Libya were controlled by the former regime "militants ", especially in Tripoli and the cities of eastern and southern Libya, after a three-year media campaign to discredit change in Libya.
2- The UAE and Egypt and some foreign countries,have financed parties and militias to distort the image of democracy that succeeded previously in the elections of the National General Conference, "GNC" where it succeeded in changing the direction and ideas of a large segment of Libyans before the parliamentary elections
3 - The seat of parliament in the far east of Libya is far away, and the absence of its members most of the time outside Libya and the availability of data through television channels, and press conferences.
4 - The success of the names and figures of the former regime and its supporters in obtaining membership and the presidency of the parliament resulted in the control of the conduct of the elections. This influenced the political and social orientation in Libya.
5 - Most of the decisions of the parliament fueled the tribal and ethnic situation in Libya
6. The Parliament adopted a resolution to highlight the military authorities and to grant broad and illegal powers to the military authority
7. The Parliament was therefore subject to the threat of force on more than one occasion by the military authority led by General Haftar
8 - Parliament has resorted on several occasions to strengthen the tribal role of some Libyan tribes, especially those who support the former regime, which affected the decisions and impartiality
9 - The Libyan parliament did not provide its services to all the Libyan cities in a neutral way, but the transactions were divided and hostile to some cities and did not provide any services to some Libyan cities, even though they are Libyan cities and the population were  Libyans.
This video was assembled in a satellite channel funded by the United Arab Emirates allowed to exclusively transfer some of the proceedings of the Libyan parliament or as the Libyans call "the parliament of Tobruk"
One of the deputies: must stop the TV transmission of the session so that we can complete the discussion ..!
MP: dear gentlemen please watch your terms and words because the transfer is currently broadcast live in front of people ..!
Deputy Speaker: Why do all speakers only ask for a point of order " notes ", and do not give their opinion on the topics of the session ?!
A member of parliament (Muftah Koider), his son was killed fighting beside a terrorist militia in Sirte, says:
I consider this parliament to be the successor to the General People's Congress, which represents the legislative body in the Gaddafi regime !!
One of the deputies: submitted condolences on the occasion of the death of a Libyan artist "Mohammed hassan"was singing to Kadafi ..!
Of course, the dean of Misratah, the assassinated municipality, did not paid attention by any of them !
Deputy Speaker : We should not pay attention to the pressure exerted by social networking pages like facebook ..etc or television channels , We are the owners of power and decision in Libya and only from under the dome of this parliament

One of the deputies: Mr. Speaker, you are accused of dealing with "Seddiq kabeir" !
Evidence and videos began to seep out of the gloomy parliament hall
Which clearly and strongly proves that most members of the topruq parliament are in fact the remnants of the corrupt brains of the Qaddafi regime
They have no intention or purpose to improve the living conditions of the new regime in Libya and will never allow the new state in Libya to be born
This is the reason for their delay and obstruction of any step towards a Libyan constitution or free and fair elections , nor the establishment of a unified army, as well as their ongoing fight against the idea of ​​democratic civil governance away from militarization and dictatorship,

The 2014 elections that produced this corrupt and failed parliament were supported by militias financed by countries fighting Libya's stability. These militias came out of Tripoli after their mission was completed in full,
They also left Benghazi and entered it again, and now Benghazi was completely destroyed , its people and residents were displaced. And the acquisition of their property.

There is a very urgent need to re-elect this parliament in a democratic and transparent manner in order to serve the interest of the simple Libyan citizen in all the cities of Libya and not in specific cities only.

A video showing one member of parliament in its meeting on January 29, he emphasizes that it is better not to reduce the price of the dollar in the parallel market, and it is better for them to keep the prices of basic commodities and fuel high and expensive
Because (according to his point of view) would help to destroy the militias (anti-Haftez battalions) and say that most of the militia elements are mercenaries from Senegal and Mali and are not Libyans.

This is one of Kadafi's fossilized output, which persecuted the Libyans 42 years, how can a person with backward retrograde brain lead Libya to safety and stability ?? !!

Another deputy from the Tawergha district, who ran in the parliamentary elections and swore allegiance to the principles of the Libyan revolution on February 17, surprised everyone by his arrogance of this revolution, calling it a Nakba, and he was not recognized
After collecting hundreds of thousands of dinars a month through his work in Parliament and after having enjoyed with his family many of the material and living benefits.



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