The hafter's " LNA" west misrata

General Idris Madi from Zintan
He is an official of whom belong to General Haftar in the western region

E.madi issued a decision to appoint a head of a crime gang from the district of Al-Khums to become the leader of an armed militia carrying number 68 !

Called "the support force of the Libyan army"
This confirms that Hafer plans to besiege Misrata and cut the road between it and Tripoli to the west.
Let us now know who is the bandit leader thief who has been assigned:
He is  Arif Mohammed Al-Muaawal:

A member of Gaddafi's Revolutionary Committees, was invited to attend a meeting under the name of the Gaddafi Development Foundation.

Arif and his brother were accused several times of stealing the desalination plant in alkhums city and also deliberate sabotage of the main power station there.
There are arrest warrants and formal charges directed at the brothers.

By observing how Hafter's forces treat Libyan civilians
And citizens' property
In Benghazi, Jufra, Ejdabiya, the west Libyan zone and Sebha
All the reports received confirm and repeat the same information that the forces that claim to fight terrorism under the command of General hafter carry out acts of banditry ,murder outside the judicial and legal circles, carry out unjustified sabotage, steal personal property of citizens, burn houses , arrest campaigns on identity and  Arrests against media activists.
All this comes because of the way in which the construction ,  formation and selection of elements of the army that is fighting with Hafter
Hafar's forces were formed of criminal record holders, thieves, and unarmed, uneducated civilian people Their minds are filled with tribal hatred with scientific and moral ignorance, and a lack of patriotism


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