Everyone has violated international law on Libya

One of the reasons for the political failure in Libya is that the major powers did not intervene effectively and serve the idea of building democracy and justice in Libya as much as it intervened to serve its own interests

The European Union is conducting fake counterfeit operations to enforce the arms embargo on Libya
Because the ships of the operations of Sofia and NATO stationed only in front of Tripoli and Misrata
This siege has been announced since the beginning of the announcement of the military coup of hafter in Libya against the National Congress elected from the people of 2014
Because the violation of the arms embargo to Libya is clearly and very influential in the far east of Libya at the port of Tobruk
And air ports such as the Tobruk air base
Bennina air base in Benghazi
The base of AL wotya in the far west of Libya.
Zintan Airport.
Brak Air Base in the far south of Libya.
Now also Jufra Air base
Western countries have contributed to violating the arms embargo and have turned a blind eye to serious violations against the UN resolution on Libya. 1970/2011
These violations helped Hafter within 3 years to control 80% of the important military sites in Libya and the return of former regime forces in Libya to the military and political scene.
We have seen large numbers of different types of warplanes delivered to Haftar in the east, south and west of Libya
We saw hundreds of sophisticated armored military vehicles.
We saw hundreds of tanks, guns, rocket launchers
We saw several bombs of various types and weights used in the aerial bombardment of several Libyan cities.
We saw military support on the ground from non-Libyan foreign forces and planes for the benefit and support of Hafar's forces and the former regime's battalions

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