story of zintan

Zintan village is located southwest of the city of Gharian
Mountain Village
Most of its population is Arab
It has about 17,000 inhabitants
Most of her youth are unemployed and average to poorly educated
Since the Qadhafi era, most of its residents have been forced to engage in work with Qadhafi's security battalions or work in smuggling "smuggling of illegal immigration, smuggling of fuel to Tunisia and Niger, drug trafficking"
The ancient ethnic and tribal origins of Zintan descend from the Arabian Peninsula
Some reports confirm the connection between kinship and blood with Bedouin tribes in the United Arab Emirates

on 2011, Zintan was one of the first to rebel against Gaddafi since February 2011
, the preparation against Gaddafi of Zintan was not great, that is, most Zintan were supporting Gaddafi at first, especially after the meeting was held in March 2011 between the Libyan leader with sheikhs and elders of the Zintan tribe and handed over large sums of money. " 250 000 LYD "for each family of Zintan for return standing with him against the rebellious areas at the time, has been approved by the Zintan and was among the attendees, Mr. Othman mligtah ,  Tarek Durman and Tahir Ejdaih
And when the return of the Zintan delegations from Tripoli to Zintan, the commander of the battalion, Ahmed al-Maqrif "Hassan Eshkal " of the Kadhafi, shelled the city of Zintan using "grad missiles", as a response to the betrayal of Zintan delegations to the agreement concluded with him on the need to fight Gaddafi and non-alliance with him, He was an outspoken opponent of Gaddafi and helped NATO and February rebels enter Tripoli in August 2011.

After the bombing of Zintan village, there was a split among the Zantan people between supporters of the war against Gaddafi and those opposed to the war
Gaddafi's allies fled to Tunisia by road through the "ezhiba" gate ,While those who joined the brigades of the February revolutionaries continued to fight and lost nearly 180 people until they entered Tripoli
And their entry into Tripoli directly to its international airport and the nearby villas, and did not participate in the storming of the camp of  "Bab Aziziyah" of Gaddafi.
And only limited control of Tripoli airport since that time, until 2014 ..

Where the crisis began to clear day after day

From the mistreatment of passengers, the extortion of their property, the looting of vehicles and citizens passing through positions controlled by Zintan, such as the HQ of the" Islamic Call Society" in the capital , Where there are other positions belonging to the HQ'military staff, the tobacco factory and camps located in the west of the capital was occupied by the Zintan militias in 2013 and stationed in it.
The developments began after Mr. Mahmoud Jibril al-werfally  established a political party called the "Alliance of National Forces"
And next to him the ambassador of Libya, "Aref al-Nayed " who is also from the same tribe that belongs to him, "Ben Walid"
Jibril decided to use a good military force to protect his party and impose its political agendas on the ground
Al-Zintan was the best ally. The political and military slogan was "fighting the Muslim Brotherhood" and later developed into other slogans such as "fighting terrorism."
Jibril did not ally with all the Zintan people, but was a fact allied with the elements of the battalion, "Ahmed al-Maqrif" of the former regime
And included all the remnants of Gaddafi's soldiers who were dispersed after the destruction of their camps as a result of NATO strikes on 2011
They were also joined by all the military, police and internal security forces who worked in the former regime
under The term "Libyan Arab National Army"
The most important pillars of this army in the western region were the battalion "Qaa Qaa", consisting mainly of the battalion, "Amhamed al-Maqrif" in addition to the brigade 32 Muzaz 
"b32 armored " , both of the most prominent and strongest Gaddafi Brigades.
The financial and military leadership of the "Qaa Qaa" battalion was assigned to the two brothers Mligtah bros "Abdul Majeed and Othman"
Othman mligtah is a brother of the milioner Abdul Majeed has a video recording in July 2011, reading the statement of the Zintan people by pledging Gaddafi and his treaty to stand againest those whom he called the "traitors" of the homeland "rats" and against the crusader alliance "NATO"

After the alliance of Mr. Mahmoud Jibril as a political force with the Zintan Brigades and the remnants of the Gaddafi Brigades began the process of arming with the updated weapons
And to provide the full potential of war supplies from the United Arab Emirates directly to the forces of "Qaa Qaa"Brigades.
After the alliance of Mr. Mahmoud Jibril as a political force with the Zintan Brigades and the remnants of the Gaddafi Brigades began the process of arming with the latest weapons
And to provide the full potential of war supplies from the United Arab Emirates directly to the forces of Qaqaa Brigades.
Through several air ports such as: Tripoli International Airport, Al Wotya air Base ,
Zintan Heliport, The oil fields in western Libya,
Where military uniforms, ready-made food, sophisticated sniper weapons, heavy weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles,..etc
The National Alliance Party has begun to set up television channels and media that support the principles it calls for
And fights its opponents out.
booby traps and bombings began in several embassies of Arab and foreign countries in Tripoli
The charges were brought as "terrorist elements" and "Muslim Brotherhood".
And the kidnapping of symbols not compatible with the coalition party of the Qaaqaa Brigades, the most recent abduction of Mr. Abdullah al-Thani "the current prime minister in eastern Libya," he and his daughter on 2013 befor released several days later
kidnapping Mr. Haitham al-Tajouri, head of the battalion of the "revolutionaries of Tripoli"

Hashem Beshr's brother twin " hesham " was assassinated after kidnapped from tajura near his house and tortured on 2014 , found his body under beghasheer bridge in tripoli , the place controlled by
qaa qaa militia at that time.

I would like to point out an important observation here:
That most of the abductees or those who have been terrorized and threatened by the Zintan militias have changed their intellectual and political attitudes in a completely opposite way once they are released from the Zintan detention camps
Haitham Tajouri, Hashim Beshr, Mustafa Abu shagour, Legal Advisor Suleiman Zoubi
They turned into the camp's pro-Nationalist movement party and chanted its slogans , 
It is unclear why ,  they may have been subjected to pressure and bargaining inside the prison

The Ex-intelligence chief was kidnapped at the time, "Mustafa Noah" from tripoli airport
Several bombings were carried out on the embassies of Egypt, Italy, the United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands..etc
And supporters of the National Alliance Party stormed the headquarters of the " General National Conference" -GNC-, which represents the parliament at the time. many times
The headquarters were vandalized on one occasion, burned again, and non-coalition congressmen were threatened more than once and subjected to many harassment even in their homes and families.
The meetings of the GNC for many of the interruptions due to the departure of members of the National Alliance Party from the session
The demonstrations demanding the overthrow of the GNC began to increase in the capital Tripoli and some  cities which were supporting the Gaddafi regime and were under the supervision ,coordination and protection of the security battalions belonging to the National Alliance Party, headed by Mahmoud Jibril

Jibril has succeeded in bringing military and military support from several countries (the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, France, Chad and Egypt)
The strength of the Alliance Party and Qaqaa Battalion increased after the abduction of Prime Minister Ali Zidane during the National Congress GNC
Mr. Ali Zidan was nominated by the Alliance Party. This nomination took place after the party rejected the results of the election of Mr. Mustapha Abu shagour as Prime Minister on the grounds that he was a "Muslim Brotherhood" !
The elections were re-run and Ali Zidane succeeded ..
The February revolutionaries did not accept Zidane's verbal promises at his press conferences
He was always suspicious of his allegiance to the former regime and his involvement in giving the coalition time and money to support the military force that would once again bring back Gaddafi's followers and power.
Less than a year after the election of Zidane and the emergence of unsatisfactory indicators of the February revolution, his residence was stormed , abducted and interrogated for several hours.
After his release, Zidane publicly joined the agendas of Mr. Mahmoud Jibril and his camp
The Prime Minister's Office was moved to the HQ of "Islamic Call Committee" building, which is the basis of a camp controlled by the Zintan militia called "AL-sawaeq". The signing of the instruments and the financial support of Mr. Zeidan have started for the Alliance of national party and the military battalions under his supervision.
Tension in Libya has increased between February's forces and the National Alliance militants
The day came when the head of the Qaa Qaa Brigades gave a five-hours time limit to the National Congress to relinquish power and evacuate the capital from all opposition forces. The indiscriminate bombardments began with "grad"rockets fire at night in several locations in the Libyan capital Tripoli to try to hit targets. Which is the headquarters of Brigades February 17 loyalists.
They are said to be first class "Misurata forces" or "Muslim Brotherhood traitors" ..
on 21 may 2014 night , qaa qaa and sawaeq brigades began shelling randim grad shells on many parts of tripoli , after hours of hafter announce military coup.
,, mean while ,,
the political crisis in Libya and the inability of the National Congress to continue its work as a result of the obstruction by the coalition party
The coalition party and the other parties in the National Congress have formed a political committee to draw up the political map in Libya in the future, called the "February Declaration Committee", which resulted in the "constitutional declaration"
after that , The election of the Libyan parliament began ..
But this time things were different..,
The high security and intelligence forces of the Qaaqaa battalion in Tripoli, as well as the supporting battalions in eastern Libya in Benghazi, Tobruk, Marj, Ajdabia, the Crescent oil region, and also in southern Libya at brak , ubari , murzug , and western at rajban , zintan , jadu 
at middle where bin waleed , turhona , sirte " 21 brigade of abohliga "
All this contributed to the control of polling stations and voting
So that votes are tilted to people who carry agendas and ideas that are consistent with the ideas of the National Alliance Party
Which is much closer to the political ideas of the Gaddafi regime
And against the process of political isolation that the National Conference failed to implement in practice
The most important role was the early assassinations in Benghazi and some areas of western Libya against all the intellectual, military and political symbols of the revolution of February 17, accompanied by a large media wave that made the voters believe that the largest percentage of assassinations were due to the February revolution. In 2012 is a fatal error should not be repeated
Several foreign and Arab countries and media outlets funded by the coalition party have been working in this context.
The February revolutionaries lost much of their military and political leadership and failed to control the 2014 parliamentary elections..,,

More than 85 % of polling stations in all of Libya were under the control of security brigades directly affiliated with the National Alliance Party
These battalions now represent the "dignity movement" led by General Hafter 

During these moments of crisis, after the influx of the street in Tripoli cleverly, and within a propaganda campaign aimed at diverting all the military force hostile to the Zintan camp
The head of the municipal council in Tripoli, pro-National Alliance  Party, was used to lead peaceful civil demonstrations by Tripoli residents to Martyrs Square in the center of the capital on Friday 15 November 2013
In order to demand the removal of armed militias from the capital 
It was a legitimate and necessary requirement for the people of Tripoli
While the fact that the political leaders are fighting for power and military leadership was the same on another goal
The use of these demonstrations to bring a fatal blow to the stubborn opponent, the February 17 battalions, led by the Misurata Brigades
Which is a major obstacle to the ambitions of Dr. Mahmoud Jibril
The planned way of the peaceful demonstration was changed by the moral guidance elements of the Qaa qaa battalions, along with Mr. Sadat Al-Badri from Martyrs Square to the camps and ammunition stores of Misrata..
Demonstrators were also incited to attack those camps, which contained various weapons and ammunition
The massacre took place, and many civilians were killed and wounded
And armed elements were seen shooting from behind the demonstrators "video" towards the misratian camps :-

With the knowledge that the events of "Gargour neighborhood " in Tripoli in November 2013 came in terms of the use of civilians and fueling similar to the scenario that was the attack on the headquarters of the Libyan rebels of the National Congress in Benghazi on Saturday, June 8, 2013
In which many civilians were killed.
Both attacks have contributed to reducing the popularity and support of the National Congress in Libya both locally and internationally.
Immediately after the elections of the Libyan parliament, it was decided according to the constitutional declaration to be the first meeting in the city of Benghazi.
But got a surprise ! .. It increased the confusion of the political scene in Libya ;
General Hafter appeared in Tunisia and through the media to announce the freezing of the constitutional declaration, and considered null , void
And that all the military battalions of the Alliance Party would be directly under his command
For control of Libya and to liberate from traitors..

These rapid developments led to a military confrontation at the end of 2014
Between the forces of February under the name  "Libya Dawn force" and among all the Zintan Brigades and followers of Gaddafi under name of "tribal army" changed next to libyan national army "LNA"
Despite the recent military arsenal of the Qaaqaa battalions and the air cover provided by the F-16s, which have not yet claimed responsibility for the bombings, the forces of the Libya Dawn "fajr libya" managed to expel the Zintan Brigades and their followers outside Tripoli.
During those battles, the embassies of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the first embassies to leave the capital ,Followed by all airlines and other embassies
also Mr. Abdullah Al-Thani and members of the National Alliance Party led by Jibril
Jabril's political camp moved to Tobruk, eastern
This was just formal ,  because most of the MPs were with their families in several countries, including Egypt, the UAE, Jordan, Malta, Tunisia and france
Before the end of the war in Tripoli, the opening session of the Libyan parliament " HOR"was held in an urgent manner in the city of Tobruk
It is the only meeting that has been broadcast live in the media
The rest of the meetings were held away from the media
No one knows how many attendees
No one knows how decisions were approved
Facebook was almost the only way to convey information about the sessions of that parliament
The decision to approve the F-16 fighter jets for the bombing of the Fajr Brigades in the Libyan capital was approved to help the Qaaqaa Brigades
Since then, Libya has split into two parties  "East and West"
The National Congress in Tripoli considers that there are several constitutional violations that took place in the parliamentary elections and in the first meetings held in Tobruk, and decided to resort to the Supreme Constitutional Court to consider this problem
After several postponements of pronunciation in the jugement
In 2015, a final judicial ruling was issued by Tripoli to dissolve the parliament and to consider all its decisions null and void due to legal violations committed by it
The judgment hearing was attended by several international bodies

But the world's countries, led by the United Nations, have not recognized the court's ruling
This has further entrenched the idea of ​​political division in Libya to the east and west

The military conflict led by General Haftar in eastern Libya began to grow fiercer
With the international back support him
The conflict has also started in western Libya, led by generals whom hafter relied on to liberate Tripoli from opposition forces
The air strikes led by Hafter began against all the cities opposed to it. "Derna, Benghazi, Misrata, Tripoli, Zuwara, Sabratha,

the jet still have the egyptian paint

And now spread to Jufra, Sabha, oil Crescent are ..,
The Libyan crisis has widened with the closure of oil fields , the suspension of ports in central Libya and in the west
Attacks by African mercenaries have intensified with the Hafter forces in western, central and eastern Libya
All these events were the Zintan plays a key role in western Libya
It cooperates with well-trained Gaddafi battalions
It is a balance of power that Hafter can not abandon
the most we can talk about
That in 2013 and after entangled things in the capital Tripoli for the party of
National Forces Alliance  and Zantan militants  coordinated with tribal militias in central Libya control of oil fields and ports and closed them since then, and caused financial losses greater than 120 Billion dollars for the Libyan treasury, and further weakened the political and financial position of the general national congress , oil fields like "alwafa , alpheel " are still blocked by zintan and the line pass from south west libya to the north through the village still out control of the National oil Corporation Tripoli "NOC"
However, the large military forces in Zintan did not interfere in the liberation of Sirte from terrorism
And did not interfere in the protection of the ports and borders of western and southern Libya from smuggling and illegal immigration
There were no major casualties in 2011
Or later
Its military vehicles and weapons were used only in the smuggling and trafficking of drugs through the Sahara
Interpol is also demanding the arrest of one of the top drug traffickers, from Zintan

Zintan is engaged in large-scale and illegal land-hunting operations that cause the extermination of wild animals south of the western mountain in the "Hamada region"
Overhunting  of rabbits, deer and birds

mean while on 14 dec 2015
Some sources have reported a major surprise in the presence of US special forces deployed
In an airbase north of Al-Zintan "AL-WOTYA "
With all its equipment and weapons, which were sniper weapons 

maybe this video more clear bit ..

here is a what called statement of military local council of zentan denied any relation to the US troops deployed in wotya base
When you watch the videos you will notice that the US forces have dropped a large amount of military and logistical equipment on the ground, and also fast desert vehicles "4X4", and this denies the intention to leave the base, as alleged by some American officials
The second video notes that one of the desert vehicles left the scene naturally

Add to
A war of extermination launched by the Zintan in 2012 against unarmed civilians in the village of "darj", near the Algerian border

And another war of extermination against the Mashashiya tribe in 2012

And a war of annihilation against the mountain town of "KIKLA" near Zintan on 2015
dec 2015 kikla massacre "video"

kikla mosque 

Zintan wars against unarmed civilians

,, women, children, and young people paid the price ,
massacres Not investigated
The media spotlight was not given because of the financial control of the powers of National Alliance party
I tried  to add recordings and photographs illustrating those massacres
And photos illustrating the military strength of the region
It is worth noting that the UAE has paid special attention to the people of Zintan since the beginning of the revolution of February 2011
The UAE pressed France to intensify its air strikes against the Gaddafi battalions, which were close to the Zintan
French and Emirati soldiers and intelligence officers also landed on the ground inside the Zintan
In addition, the parachuting of parachute weapons was only carried out by French aircraft on Zintan
Zintan was also involved in selling the arms to the opposition in Mali 2012
In addition, Gaddafi's son, Saif, when he arrived in Zintan refused to be transferred to any area outside
Since then he has lived in the village in the absence of any details of his life and movements.

Qaa Qaa brigade

 emarates in zintan

Abdullah Naker before switching from the maintenance of idle televisions to millionaire and head of the party of "al-kemma"

 sawaeq brigade

 qaa qaa brigade

 TV workshop of A.naker in tripoli

saif welcomed with his father pic

 the powers of National Alliance party

 Ready-made military food, imported from the UAE
It was found near al-Wotya base west of Tripoli

 message from Hafter to Emir of abodhabi

 emarates in zintan,2011

UAE military cloths near al-wotya base

 qaa qaa

snapshot from gaddafi tv ch on 2011 , zintan pro muammar gaddafi

 aref nayed in UAE arms exhibitions

 abdulmajeed mligtah

 othman mligtah

 abdulla naker in south libya  ,The task of bringing African mercenaries to support Zintan in their war in western Libya

the direct political contacts with Mrs Clinton  US , FM , " tripoli airport"

non libyan face appears in alwotya base
with etri militant 2016

Food feast in Doha 2011

DARJ massacre by zintn militants


32°04′06″N 12°41′40″E

February 17 rebels after their victory over the Zintan militias backed by the United Arab Emirates, France and Egypt
And mixed with the battalions of the former regime of Gaddafi
In August 2014
They continued their rapid advance without air cover until they went up the western mountain to Kikla village.
Near the village of Zintan
And stationed inside
But the surprise has since been rapid progress
Where military and logistical supplies from "fajer dawn " cities were cut off
 while Military supplies and support have begun to reach the Zintan militia
Via Al-Watia Air Base north of Al-Zintan , Zintan Airport , the Elephant Field Airport south of Zintan  And via the "Shoueiruf " area
Where hundreds of Chadian " tabu" tribes were recruited to support the Zintan militias
The village of kikla was surrounded by 3 axes
There is only one axis between Kikla and Gheryan
It is a difficult rocky road to pass through
The force within kikla to defend it was small groups from several areas in western Libya
They were not officially sent But it held about 48 days in the face of the modern and enormous military equipment brought by the Zintan , mean while
In order to storm the strategic village of Kikla
Locusts and Hutze shells were poured daily on Kikla
There was no mosque, no house, no hospital, no school in Kikla but it was destroyed
Many were killed ' 165 ppl " Civilians and armed men
All the institutions and infrastructure in the village were destroyed
And abandoned its inhabitants to the capital Tripoli and some neighboring areas
They are still displaced till this day
On October 11, 2014, the Zetan-led "tribal" alliance committed a large massacre of civilians trapped in the village of Kikla, killing nearly 24 people
Video has been leaked to those hideous massacre
In addition, the visual media has been able to document some of the observations of the field hospital and the destruction in the village
The allies of the Zintan from several regions mention "Rajaban, Al-Saiyan, Al-Nawail, Khalaifah, ejmail, Rikdalin, Al-Ajeelat , Jadu, Al-Asabaa, and wersheffana "about 10 Arab tribes
It was then renamed the "Libyan Arabic tribes army" and later changed to the Libyan National Army "LNA' after several international and regional political developments took place and the role of General Hafter was further highlighted.

oct 2014 massacre

Attacks on houses of worship and destruction of mosques

kikla tv report 1

kikla , the field hospital

kikla , ppl wounded in lack of medic ability

inside the field hospital in kikla

kikla , eyewitnesses talk

hard scenes from kikla - report-arabic

libyan observer report

 11 oct 2014 massacre names & wounded

At the end of this report, I particularly mention the destruction of the unfortunate village of Kikla
Killing their people, displacing them and planting landmines in their area
The leaders of the militias that committed these crimes are currently in Libya and some outside them
Some of them hold military, security or political positions in the state
Some of them work in Libyan embassies abroad
We'll mention some of the names we got:
Emad Trabelsi
Mukhtar el-akhdar
Al-ejmi AL-etri
osama al-jwaili
Abdul Majid and Othman "Amligta"
Colonel Idris Madi
Abdel Moneim Dardera "Commander of the brigade _barq annaser_"
2nd jul 2017

Militants from the village of Zintan stormed the main power station "Ruwais" in western Libya in the region of "Shakshuk"
And forced the employees to cancel the "off power Loads = Program of timed extinguishing", which was intended to help provide electricity to cover consumption in the rest of the regions in Libya, which suffers from an electric deficit
But these militias have operated electricity continuously to provide them in their own area.
It is noteworthy that the militias Zintan classified by Hafter and his leadership as a Libyan native army, "according to his description" LNA


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