SOS from Libya

The weak International Compact has given foreign countries the opportunity to violate Libya's sovereignty and the rule of international law
Counterfeit currency
Supply of prohibited weapons anti the UN embargo resolution
Management of militias and civil wars
Killing libyan civilians ..
Humanitarian organizations are completely absent
International media publishes Libya's news as dictated by its political agendas

The foreign and Arab countries whom are embroiled in the civil war in Libya are pouring money to all international parties and forcing them to remain silent
More than six years have passed since the crimes of the Qaddafi regime against civilians in Libya and the International Criminal Court did not move a finger
Followed by more horrific crimes, and the International Court of Justice is still turning a blind eye ..!

But it reached the extent of bribes and contracts of employment and extortion and forgery among prominent members of the United Nations sent to Libya to contribute to the spread of democracy and justice ..!

The situation of the simple Libyan citizen, is worsening day by day ..
Suffers from neglect in the health sector
Neglect in education, many Libyans left schools and universities which many of them were destroyed
Suffers from a shortage of cash 
Suffers from delayed monthly salary.
Suffers from the difficulty of getting its daily livelihood due to rising prices for basic commodities
Because of speculation in the parallel market currency , or because of the intervention of neighboring countries and the purchase of all the reserves of food and goods and smuggling abroad.

It is very urgent that these simple civilians in Libya be rescued from the oppression of daily destruction and these bloody conflicts
Exhaled from the outside.
The regional states should be excluded from Libyan internal affairs.
honestly , Because it is classifying Libya is an ardent economic enemy if Libya stabilizes and returns to construction and investment.


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