Look for clarification

This is one of the most repulsive forms of disgust
This employee "hanan.m.saleh , who claims to be a senior adviser in the field of human rights #HRW, especially in the Arab world
Its tweets and reports have offended the reputation of human rights as an independent international body.
There are several bad points that can be summarized about Mrs Hanan :-

First, it intervened several times in the political affairs of Libya.

It has a security and political character rather than a humanitarian or humanitarian nature that concerns human rights, violations and persecution within Libya, as well as war crimes, ethnic cleansing and displacement...
There is a real need to change this employee and replace her with someone else who is more efficient, more neutral and transparent

Personally, I think there is a suspicion of financial corruption or bribes paid to this employee, who deviated from the neutral and humanitarian path in the performance of its mission.
I have noticed this in many of her Twitter tweets, which seem clear to one of the conflicting parties in Libya, which is very dangerous because it affects the transparency of its reports on the situation in Libya to all international parties..

befor minutes she issued a tweet protesting the granting of a few simple naval boats to Libyan soldiers following the GNA government to be train by  EU on coast guarding and combat illegal immigration, saying it was a violation of the arms embargo resolution on Libya.. !

Why did not we see same this "legal" tweet about the huge number of warplanes , bombs of multiple sizes and types, weapons and armored vehicles , which is supplied to the criminal general Hafter ?!
Is not this another clear violation of the UN resolution on the arms embargo on Libya?
What motivates a human rights worker to intervene in this matter and her intervention was bad faith and non-neutral?


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