Derna the devastated city
The besieged Derna Civil victims pay the price of a lie called "the Libyan National Army"
On February 16, 2015
Egyptian air force launched air raids on civilian residential areas "shiha" neighborhood in the city of Derna and destroy 12 houses , Killing nine civilians, including women and children (a full family)
Egyptian defense minister justified the raid as revenge for the killing of 21 Egyptian Copts were slaughtered in Sirte according to video recorded on the site of YouTube ..!
Some media and specialists in the field of media considered that the video is fabricated and does not rise to the level of forensic evidence in order to retaliate against unarmed civilians in their homes. The bodies of the 21 Egyptians have not been found until this moment, even after the liberation of all Sirte!
On 13 June 2016
Air raids of Haftar air force kill a father and his son inside their own car
Hussein Hamouda Al - Muzaini 50 years old
Ibrahim Hussein Al-Muzaini 18 years old
On June 9, 2016 air raids launched by Haftar air force who supported by Egypt and the UAE killed three children:
Hind Shinib is 16 years old
Omar Al Shaeri 14 years old
Meloud Alshoheibi 9 years
It is worth mentioning that the raids of Haftar and Egypt on the neighborhoods of Derna did not hit the sites of the Islamic state organization holed up in the east of the city in the area of "al-fatayeh", but was pouring only lava on the residential neighborhoods , kidney hospital and warehouses of goods supply, which led to the destruction of the full.
: dozens of women and children have been killed and injured still suffer until this moment because of the absence of a specialized hospital and because of the suffocating inhuman blockade exercised by the forces of Haftar on the city , where banned the entry of fuel
Water , medicines, cooking gas and food of all kinds to the city. The people of Derna live through what is smuggled away from beyound the gates of Haftar or buy what they need at high prices from the soldiers of the Haftar who control the gates arround the city.
26 may 2017
After several night air raids on military and civilian targets in Al Jufra area continued for a week and are still ongoing
On Friday evening, Egyptian planes carried out an aerial bombardment of civilian targets indiscriminately in the eastern city of Derna
Under the pretext of revenge for a massacre committed in Coptic Christians in the town of Minya in Egypt, about 1000 km from Derna.
The justification given by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry that those who carried out the massacre of Minya had been trained in Libya.
Strangely, this is not the first time that the city of Derna has been bombed by Egyptian air force because of a terrorist act committed inside Egypt.
It is also strange that the perpetrators of the massacre of Minya were not arrested or investigated, how can the Egyptian army to verify that Derna has to do with the massacre ?? !!
The strange thing is that terrorism in Egypt is rooted and old for decades. Why does Egypt insist that the Libyan cities that are not pro-Hafter and Gaddafi are always accused of terrorism ?
What is strange is that the Libyan city of Derna is under a military siege three years ago by the Hafter forces, so how can it contain training camps for terrorists, knowing that Hafter is almost daily bombing this city!
The strangest thing is that the terror operations in Egypt continue in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. What is the rush to accuse Libya?
Massive raids caused the wounded and dead Libyan civilians .. amid the silence of the wonderful presidential council in Tripoli ..
The presidential council was quick to protest against its troops when it attacked a camp following Hafter in the southern Libyan .."brak"
At a time when the presidential council should have been more political, more conciliatory, and more neutral, so that it could be said to represent all the Lebyans factions, this has never happened.
Imagine if this aerial bombardment came from Turkey or Qatar, what is the reaction of the world and how will it be?!
Hospitals, banks, administrative buildings and citizens' homes were destroyed in Jufra and Derna without any official protest from the governments of Tobruk nor Tripoli.
Parliament in Tobruk expired .. and derives its legitimacy from the Skhirat agreement .. It is the same agreement from which the Government of Tripoli was born.
Now there are clashes in Tripoli between the forces that were supported and adopted by the Sarraj government in Tripoli against forces that the presidential council refused to sit with, support or negotiate. This caused armed clashes, dead and wounded and massive destruction in several locations in the capital.
Libya urgently needs a neutral government that protects Libyan sovereignty and represents all Libyans. It is difficult and ineffective to accuse the Libyan cities of sponsoring terrorism and exposing it to destruction .., without reviewing the needs of these cities, and discussing their inhabitants and providing them with basic services.
29may 2017
Egyptian raid on derna early morning , DM of egy claimed targets military camp and ammunition debuts , but on sun rise the truth was absolutely opposite , the Video shows house of civilian stroked
After removing the Egyptian missiles from their home, the residents returned to the destroyed house in Derna , Hoping to live in peace the rest of capable days
Despite the fact that the Libyan city of Derna suffers from the scourge of siege and aerial bombardment of Egypt and Haftar planes
Over the past 4 years .. But the intensity of the siege and shelling increased more than a month ago ..
Especially after the control of Haftar tribal forces on the city of Benghazi with international and Arab support
Hafter, who is not recognize for peace nor national reconciliation, and is not recognize the government of political reconciliation in Tripoli
These days, they are carrying out a very suffocating siege on a small city with a population of only 80,000
They were not allowed people to enter their city or to leave
Prevention of drugs, lunch, drinking water, cooking gas, diesel fuel, automotive fuel, medical equipment, media coverage, visit international organizations ..etc
All these was prevented by the orders of Hafater and his allies from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France, and other Western countries disguised as support for reconciliation, but a fact that supports a military dictatorship in Libya
Pictures and video showing the attack on residents of Derna when they want to leave the city or when they return
Theft of their personal property ..
Abuse of women and elderly people in the gates ..
Cursing and abducting anyone who proves that he is a resident of Derna "arrests due to identity"
The official of the National Identity Foundation was kidnapped in Derna by the Haftar militia
Athletes were kidnapped from Derna to play matches in neighboring areas
Businessmen kidnapped
Students kidnapped
Officials have been kidnapped in the municipal council ..
Journalists and media have been kidnapped because they are from Derna
All roads leading to Derna were closed
People, the elderly, students , women and children have to walk on their feet for long distances in order to spend their daily needs in neighboring areas
body of their mother ..
those both children Died an hour after they entered the hospital's intensive care room ICU
Heftar has assembled some 5,000 fighters from his forces
With a very large number of military vehicles and heavy weapons
Backed by foreign air force believed to be French, UAE or Egyptian, to impose military control over a city
Darna, which has a population of more than 170,000.
The foreign air force supporting Haftar air raids at night and day on several sites of the city
The artillery and missiles squads are also indiscriminately shelling the city.
The houses of the citizens were severely damaged
Killing children under the bombardment, and also killed a number of young people of the city, both from the militants and civilians
The people of the city reject the military rule and reject the policy of Haftar and the countries that support him .
The residents of Derna declared in several statements that they did not want to fight, but were forced to resist because they feared what would happen of violations and massacres against them in the case of the entry of Haftar forces to the city.
The people of Derna appealed to the international humanitarian organizations and the governments of eastern and western Libya to provide them with a helping hand
Providing food, fuel, Medic oxygen, surgical and medical supplies to the only hospital in the city
The people of Derna launched a distress call: They explained that:
The hospital, the desalination plant and the power plant have all stopped working because of the siege imposed by Hafar's forces
Until this moment, the international community and the Libyan governments have not moved towards Derna, which is still subjected to inhumane violations, and there are war crimes committed against its people.
26 may 2017
After several night air raids on military and civilian targets in Al Jufra area continued for a week and are still ongoing
On Friday evening, Egyptian planes carried out an aerial bombardment of civilian targets indiscriminately in the eastern city of Derna
Under the pretext of revenge for a massacre committed in Coptic Christians in the town of Minya in Egypt, about 1000 km from Derna.
The justification given by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry that those who carried out the massacre of Minya had been trained in Libya.
Strangely, this is not the first time that the city of Derna has been bombed by Egyptian air force because of a terrorist act committed inside Egypt.
It is also strange that the perpetrators of the massacre of Minya were not arrested or investigated, how can the Egyptian army to verify that Derna has to do with the massacre ?? !!
The strange thing is that terrorism in Egypt is rooted and old for decades. Why does Egypt insist that the Libyan cities that are not pro-Hafter and Gaddafi are always accused of terrorism ?
What is strange is that the Libyan city of Derna is under a military siege three years ago by the Hafter forces, so how can it contain training camps for terrorists, knowing that Hafter is almost daily bombing this city!
The strangest thing is that the terror operations in Egypt continue in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. What is the rush to accuse Libya?
Massive raids caused the wounded and dead Libyan civilians .. amid the silence of the wonderful presidential council in Tripoli ..
The presidential council was quick to protest against its troops when it attacked a camp following Hafter in the southern Libyan .."brak"
At a time when the presidential council should have been more political, more conciliatory, and more neutral, so that it could be said to represent all the Lebyans factions, this has never happened.
Imagine if this aerial bombardment came from Turkey or Qatar, what is the reaction of the world and how will it be?!
Hospitals, banks, administrative buildings and citizens' homes were destroyed in Jufra and Derna without any official protest from the governments of Tobruk nor Tripoli.
Parliament in Tobruk expired .. and derives its legitimacy from the Skhirat agreement .. It is the same agreement from which the Government of Tripoli was born.
Now there are clashes in Tripoli between the forces that were supported and adopted by the Sarraj government in Tripoli against forces that the presidential council refused to sit with, support or negotiate. This caused armed clashes, dead and wounded and massive destruction in several locations in the capital.
Libya urgently needs a neutral government that protects Libyan sovereignty and represents all Libyans. It is difficult and ineffective to accuse the Libyan cities of sponsoring terrorism and exposing it to destruction .., without reviewing the needs of these cities, and discussing their inhabitants and providing them with basic services.
jufra , middle libya
29may 2017
Egyptian raid on derna early morning , DM of egy claimed targets military camp and ammunition debuts , but on sun rise the truth was absolutely opposite , the Video shows house of civilian stroked
After removing the Egyptian missiles from their home, the residents returned to the destroyed house in Derna , Hoping to live in peace the rest of capable days
16 feb 2015
9 civilians killed+12 injured, among casualties children and women by Egyptian raid on
"shiha"district in derna
video shows a civilian houses under direct hit
Despite the fact that the Libyan city of Derna suffers from the scourge of siege and aerial bombardment of Egypt and Haftar planes
Over the past 4 years .. But the intensity of the siege and shelling increased more than a month ago ..
Especially after the control of Haftar tribal forces on the city of Benghazi with international and Arab support
Hafter, who is not recognize for peace nor national reconciliation, and is not recognize the government of political reconciliation in Tripoli
These days, they are carrying out a very suffocating siege on a small city with a population of only 80,000
They were not allowed people to enter their city or to leave
Prevention of drugs, lunch, drinking water, cooking gas, diesel fuel, automotive fuel, medical equipment, media coverage, visit international organizations ..etc
All these was prevented by the orders of Hafater and his allies from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France, and other Western countries disguised as support for reconciliation, but a fact that supports a military dictatorship in Libya
Pictures and video showing the attack on residents of Derna when they want to leave the city or when they return
Theft of their personal property ..
Abuse of women and elderly people in the gates ..
Cursing and abducting anyone who proves that he is a resident of Derna "arrests due to identity"
The official of the National Identity Foundation was kidnapped in Derna by the Haftar militia
Athletes were kidnapped from Derna to play matches in neighboring areas
Businessmen kidnapped
Students kidnapped
Officials have been kidnapped in the municipal council ..
Journalists and media have been kidnapped because they are from Derna
All roads leading to Derna were closed
People, the elderly, students , women and children have to walk on their feet for long distances in order to spend their daily needs in neighboring areas
the what named " LNA " blocking derna streets
Al-Huraish hospital in Derna launched a distress call
Due to depletion of fuel, oxygen
, Diabetics medicines
, kidney treatment drugs
And pediatric medicines
Because of the inhumane blockade imposed by the US war criminal Haftar on a civilian population inside Libyan city " derna "
students walk along distances from besieged derna
This old woman from Derna " family EL-hariri " lost her entire family because of their murder by terrorists " daesh". Now her plight is further aggravated by the theft of her personal belongings and the humiliation and beatings by Hafter's gate near " dhaher hammar " district , which surrounds Derna, when she tried to leave the city.
hariri killed family
On the eve of Monday, October 30, 2017
According to contacts with eyewitnesses in Derna
Modern airplanes at high altitudes have heard flying over 'fatayah" district
A few minutes later the sound of heavy shelling was heard , east of the city
And when the sound of jets"which is believed to be foreign " , "because Hafter does not have this type of planes " disappeared away the area of farms and citizens houses ..
Citizens rushed to find a massacre that had been committed against dozens of women and children were living peacefully in the area
Immediately operations of rescue wounded people by cars and Ambulances began , the removal of bodies and shredded remains, and trying to get the people out of the rubble..
In the midst of difficulties made the task almost impossible
Due to a severe shortage of rescue equipments , ambulances , treatment and shelter facilities in intensive care
This was the result of a siege that lasted more than a year on a city inhabited by 250,000 people of Libyans
The unjust siege imposed by the military dictator Hafter and his gangs based on ethnic tribal rules is far from the concept of native modern army
Gangs fed by the political interests of neighboring regional states, not interested in the number of dead Libyans or victims of children nor women in Derna and Benghazi ..
The inhuman siege caused a shortage of fuel for hospitals in Derna, including maternity hospitals
Children's dep-Hospital
Clinic of dialysis
Ambulance services Department..,
The blockade has negatively affected the availability of medicines, doctors, equipment and supplies for operating rooms
The blockade prevented the arrival of flour, food and water into the city
The blockade prevented the arrival of cooking gas
The blockade has prevented oxygen from reaching hospitals
The siege prevented the exit of critical cases and injured people to neighboring cities for treatment
According to some sources there in derna
Statistics of derna number of wounded and killed civilians were :-
8 children killed
2 women killed
Two men killed
+30 wounded
via #dernazoom #media
Waiting for accurate and final statistics
those both children Died an hour after they entered the hospital's intensive care room ICU
Sad pictures of the women of "mothers" who died as a result of the criminal bombardment of their homes in eastern Derna
names of the victims by Egyptian raid on derna
First family
1 / Nisreen wanees imrajaa el-hasi
Born on 1983
2 / Sabah Ismail Ali fitori
Born on 2005
3 / Ali Ismail Ali fitori
Born on 2007
The second family
4 / Hanan wanees imrajaa el-hasi
5 / Abdulrahman Ashraf Sergiwa
The third family
6 / Fadwa wanees imrajaa el-hasi
7 / al-shamkh el-salheen Al-Mansouri
8 / Sulaiman el-salheen Al-Mansouri
9 / Manar el-salheen Al-Mansouri
10 / Munyah el-salheen Al-Mansouri
11 / wanees el-salheen Al-Mansouri
12 / Nouri el-salheen Al-Mansouri
The reason for the death / impact of bombing the plane today on the area of "AL-fatayeh"
Date of death / 2017/10/30 AD
The houses that were bombed and the view of the collapsed ceiling in a curved shape prove to be subjected to pressure from top to bottom
Which is the result of the fall of bombs from the air "air raid" and not as alleged Egyptian intelligence agents and their own loyal members of the media of Tobruk and Marj cities that claimed the massacre was the result of a ground attack of terrorists
Many Egyptian television channels and Internet-pages confirmed that the Egyptian air force launched air strikes on October 30 on Derna
Some social media suggest that the air raid that led to this hideous massacre is by US jets
As a reprisal action following the arrest of a Syrian terrorist, carrying a Libyan passport
His name was Mustafa Lemam / he was trained in one of the camps in Derna
And participated in the attack on the US Embassy building in Benghazi 2012
But does this justify the killing of women and children in bulk without distinction or guilt, but that they are in Derna ?!
The death of innocent victims continues in Libya
Under the bombardment of unknown jets planes
Amid indifference to UN resolutions 1970-1973 on preventing the supply of arms to Libya
And the protection of civilians
Violations continue
The only loser who pays dearly is women, old people and children
**number of victims increased to 16civilians
The children victim's name : abdulrahman ashraf serghiwa
Wounded children and women in the city of Derna as a result of the criminal air raid
Are still suffering within the city due to the lack of possibilities of ambulance and treatment
And in the absence of doctors and specialists who have the ability to provide treatment and surgical procedures
This coincides with statements made by Ms. Intesar Shinib: a member of the parliament of Tobruk from the city of Derna, which emphasizes that
The forces of Haftar, which surrounds the city of Derna, prevented the entry of any medical aid or aid into the city
They also prevented the wounded from being taken for treatment
Amidst a very humiliating silence and negativity by the _PM Tinti government in eastern Libya and the Sarraj government in western Libya
And the divided parliament in Tobruk
added to the softening of international attitude towards punishing the perpetrators or helping the injured
The tragedy of Derna, its residents and its hospitals is increasing day after day
I.shennib : LNA op room led by kamal jbaly refused cooperation and our demand to enter aid help
A picture of the rest of the entire family erased completely as the result of the unknown air raid :
A family of 7 persons were killed except father and daughter in this unfortunate and sad picture ..
picture of : salheen sliman shamkhya mansouri with his only rest daughter
names of his family who killed under the raid :
1- shamekh salheen
2- wanees salheen
3- soliman salheen
4- nouri salheen
5- manar salheen
6- mayar salheen
7- his wife
A set of photographs of child victims in #Derna #Libya as a result of an air strike launched by aircraft allied with the forces of Haftar,
Hafter forces released yesterday 3jan2018 the youngest Libyan prisoner
Ahmed Mohammed al-Obidi / 5 years old.
The accusation vs him was that his father was fighting against #daesh in the area of Fataiah east of #Derna
The besieged city of Darna suffers from the accumulation of garbage and the spread of epidemics within it
Due to the lack of salaries for cleaning staff
Lack of fuel for cleaning vehicles
The inability to contract with new workers
In the absence of a full international law that is supposed to provide protection to civilians in Libyan cities, the effects of war and murder
Since end of April until this moment, the Hafter tribal militias continue to shell residential neighborhoods in the besieged city of Derna
Causing casualties in schools, homes and hospitals, in addition to the victims of the city's residents, who refuse to obey General Hafer's orders and reject military rule in Libya.
Libya is legally banned from importing weapons of all kinds.
However, the evidence of Haftar's arsenal of weapons, air, land and sea equipment confirms that many foreign countries have violated this international embargo and helped Hafar to extend his military control over Libya and helped him commit horrendous war crimes, especially in Derna and Benghazi.
The city, besieged for two years, continues to be subjected to air raids by using drrones and jets
, It is still under heavy artillery bombardment " hautzers "
weaponos imported from UAE to hafter ethnic tribal militants , while libya still
under UN resolution 1970 and 1973of banning use of weapons .
An air strikes over derna 4 may 2018
Heftar has assembled some 5,000 fighters from his forces
With a very large number of military vehicles and heavy weapons
Backed by foreign air force believed to be French, UAE or Egyptian, to impose military control over a city
Darna, which has a population of more than 170,000.
The foreign air force supporting Haftar air raids at night and day on several sites of the city
The artillery and missiles squads are also indiscriminately shelling the city.
The houses of the citizens were severely damaged
Killing children under the bombardment, and also killed a number of young people of the city, both from the militants and civilians
The people of the city reject the military rule and reject the policy of Haftar and the countries that support him .
The residents of Derna declared in several statements that they did not want to fight, but were forced to resist because they feared what would happen of violations and massacres against them in the case of the entry of Haftar forces to the city.
The people of Derna appealed to the international humanitarian organizations and the governments of eastern and western Libya to provide them with a helping hand
Providing food, fuel, Medic oxygen, surgical and medical supplies to the only hospital in the city
The people of Derna launched a distress call: They explained that:
The hospital, the desalination plant and the power plant have all stopped working because of the siege imposed by Hafar's forces
Until this moment, the international community and the Libyan governments have not moved towards Derna, which is still subjected to inhumane violations, and there are war crimes committed against its people.
Shelled the houses of civilians in al-Sayeda Zeinab neighborhood in Derna
Child Khaled Bilal, 10 years old
He was killed on 25 May 2018
By the tribal Hafer militias. During shelling of residential neighborhoods in Derna
This child: was seriously injured, and may have died of his wounds, in the neighborhood of Shiha in the city of Derna
Mohammed Aldalal
Student, was killed as a result of shelling targeted the area of Syeda Khadija in the city of Derna
Abdul jalil El baraasi
Famous as: Roses seller
Killed as a result of the indiscriminate shelling of the city's neighborhoods
Hamed Mukhtar al-Faidi, 65 Yrs, was killed by indiscriminate shelling of his residential area using mortar shells by the Haftar militia
Hamed Mukhtar al-Faidi, 65 Yrs, was killed by indiscriminate shelling of his residential area using mortar shells by the Haftar militia
Vegetable markets are empty in the besieged city of Derna
The suffering of the people of the Libyan city of Derna
Under bombardment, hunger and deprivation
Without any help from local nor international parties

Under bombardment, hunger and deprivation
Without any help from local nor international parties
Hafar forces are manipulating the bodies of the prisoners and deads of opponents of Haftar in the city of Derna
This is one of the pictures published by pages in support of the army of Haftar
Soldiers of Haftar forces, deliberately firing at civilian houses in Darna, over a bridge overlooking the city
Bullets and indiscriminate shells hit civilian homes and caused physical and physical damage, resulting in victims among children and women hiding in their homes because there is no shelter to protect them.
Bilal Badr, 10 years , killed by shrapnel from a shell
- Maram Tarbah, 8 yrs , killed by a bullet
Saleh al-Mansouri, a baby boy, was killed by an air strike
- Manar al-Salihin al-Mansouri, killed by an air strike
- Menia al-Salihin al-Mansouri, killed by an air strike
- Miftah Fahim Lisir, 10, killed by a bullet
- Awad Rajab Bougeldine, killed by a mine explosion
- Mohammed Juma al-Maghwari, 10, killed by an air strike
Maram Tarbah, 8 yrs , killed by a bullet shoot
30 may 2018
Death of Yahya Khajkhaj ...
By targeting their house with a random missile in the neighborhood of Bab Sheha
30 may
Death of Fathi Abdullah al-Korimi by indiscriminate artillery shelling on the eastern coast
30 may
Death of Naser el fertas , 50 years , by direct shoot
30 may
Fathi al-'Awakli, a resident of Al-Fataih neighborhood, was killed by indiscriminate shelling and shooting by the Haftar militia
Death of Hamad al-Faidi, 65 years old, was killed by shrapnel from a mortar shell fired by a gang of hafter on the East Coast neighborhood
27 may
An elderly man was moderately wounded in the Shiha neighborhood as a result of shelling by Haftar forces
28 may
31 may
Hafter forces shelled the house of the Khajkhaj family in the neighborhood of Shiha in the city of Darna,
And killed the son / Yahya Fadlallah Khajkhaj.
Death of Fadel alla mohammed el mismari
31 may 2018

Ahmad Faraj al-Dawal, and his son Faraj , both killed
In their home, as a result of artillery shelling by Haftar forces, 4jun.
The father was an athlete, goalkeeper of the Africy football team in the city.
Death of Fadel alla mohammed el mismari
31 may 2018
Part of the indiscriminate shelling by the Haftar militia on the Bab Tobruk district of Derna
He noted that the civilian population was inside the residential area :
The damage caused to Syeda Khadija's neighborhood by deliberate indiscriminate shelling by the hafter militia .
Note that this residential neighborhood was built of wooden boards and cardboard, in the form of (prefabricated buildings) and can not protect the civilians living there from any ranges or bullets.

Death of Hisham Ashour Abo rashed
After being hit by a bullet fired by the forces of Hafter located on fatayeh mountains east derna
While he was near his home in the East Coast neighborhood
01 jun 2018
Death of Matloub Naser El soul (civilian)
After being hit by a shell fired by the forces of Hafter
While he was near his home in Bab shiha neighborhood
03 jun 2018
Death of Fouad El mzaini (civilian)
After being hit by a shell fired by the forces of Hafter
While he was in Bab shiha neighborhood
03 jun 2018
An elderly old woman named Khadra al-Ajni was killed today as a result of her injury in her home in Derna, shiha neighborhood
Effects of shelling on civilian houses in Darna

In, Sheha area.An elderly old woman named Khadra al-Ajni was killed today as a result of her injury in her home in Derna, shiha neighborhood
Effects of shelling on civilian houses in Darna

Ahmad Faraj al-Dawal, and his son Faraj , both killed
In their home, as a result of artillery shelling by Haftar forces, 4jun.
The father was an athlete, goalkeeper of the Africy football team in the city.
On June 6 2018, a heinous crime committed by the militias of Haftar, that deliberately bombed the home of Egyptian root citizen Omar Rifai Sorour, and killed his wife and four children.
Death of ahmed faraj abu shauol el shelwi
6 jun 2018
front his house by a hafter sniper shot
at east shiha district in derna
Hafter's forces have abandoned their promise to treat the surrendered fighters and civilians,
who surrendered and threw their weapons, they killed them in the streets
Hafter's forces did not recognize any cases of people who surrendered
There are many reports confirm that the army of Hafter executed the prisoners and tampered with the bodies before the eyes of the people.
A displaced woman in the city of Derna appeals to the world's nations, humanitarian and relief organizations in the world to intervene to save the lives of the sick, children and civilians trapped inside Darnah
And calls on the forces of Hafter to stop targeting the residential and hospital districts and to stop this war funded by countries that do not care about the stability and safety of the Libyan citizen.
Haftar forces attack shops belonging to citizens of Derna, and burn them completely.
June 7:
A large number of Darna families have been forced to flee from some of the fighting sites inside the city to other areas inside the city of Derna, amid a great shortage of medicines, destruction of the only hospital in the city, a complete lack of drinking water and electricity and the lack of any type of food items or vegetables.
Derna's families suffer from a large shortage of financial cash, with no salaries available and banks closed due to the war.
More displacement of Derna families
From areas near the port of Derna
On foot so as not to be hit by the fire of hafter soldiers if they saw them driving their cars
The shelling continues on civilian houses in Darna
Photos of a house inside the coast area
11 jun 2018
Some scenes from derna
Although there is a lot of media silence by the part of Haftar's forces, there is not much information about
The fate of the prisoners or how the prisoners are treated ( armed or civilians )
Or where are they detained ?
Are there extracurricular executions ?
Some scenes illustrate the use of violence with captives?
Some pictures and videos show torture and tampering with dead bodies.
pic from derna
The Haftar militia arrested civilians from Derna because of their appearance in the media during the siege of Derna. They expressed their protest against the siege and against the policy of hafter around Derna. Currently dozens of civilians from Derna have been arrested and taken to unknown places.
all now unknown fate
Some families of Darna residents managed to escape from the city (displacement or migrated ) but did not succeed in escaping the security forces of Haftar, where they were chased and arrested in neighboring cities. Their fate is unknown. Hide them.
This IDP family captured in benghazi
One of the participants in the crimes of the exhumation of graves and the tampring the bodies and the killing of prisoners
Committing war crimes
In the area of Qanfouda and Sabri in Benghazi
Lives in the Quarsha area of Benghazi
His name : Mohammed jallali Nahnouha
We saw such duplicity and corruption at work during the war of Hafar forces in Benghazi
Today in Derna, the same situation is repeated
Military gunmen (biased to the military) falsely represent the role of the paramedic and aid worker (supposed to be neutral )

This body of one of the fighters from Darna, is very clear with shooting effects from close range, a torture in the left eye, and a shot in the left hand
While the hafter soldiers are tempering with the body after his death.
Hafter militias commit war crimes in Derna
Similar to those committed in Benghazi
The body of a person in civilian clothes was found in the district of Ambukh 13jun morning
He was shot in the head
This old man said he was sick and had heart disease, and that he saw a field execution of a man named Zerouq at the door of his house by the forces of Haftar.
This body of one of the fighters from Darna, is very clear with shooting effects from close range, a torture in the left eye, and a shot in the left hand
While the hafter soldiers are tempering with the body after his death.
Soldiers of Haftar, forcing prisoners to act at gunpoint and murder,
the detained's name : Ibrahim legmati
Hafter forces are executing prisoners who are being arrested
East Sheha district, Derna June 12 , two unarmed civilians killed near their car
Similar to those committed in Benghazi
The body of a person in civilian clothes was found in the district of Ambukh 13jun morning
He was shot in the head
He was identified after the body was kept in a hospital in the city of Qubba south of Derna for about a month
This citizen / Anis Fawzi Al - Uwakli
He was arrested from his home in al-Salam neighborhood, Ambukh district in Derna
After being executed in the field (although he is a civilian and unarmed)
His body was taken to a hospital in al-Qubba area, southwest of Derna
Because he was killed by the militias of Haftar without being identified by his name or his family name !!
One of the soldiers of the Qadafi Brigades, Ex reinforced brigade 32-, a current with hafter troops LNA
His name is: Mohammed al-Zadmi, nicknamed "Habouqa"
He executes two people from Derna without trial neither any legal or judicial proceedings.
13 jun 2018
The shelling of the Al-Mughar neighborhood in the town of Darna by howitzers guns
Large destruction in civilian homes
Derna protection forces evacuate families from areas of clashes inside the cityThis old man said he was sick and had heart disease, and that he saw a field execution of a man named Zerouq at the door of his house by the forces of Haftar.
This detained citizen named: Alaa Ashour Khattab
Civil citizen
Psychologically ill
Hafter army entered his house and tied him naked, in the western neighborhood of Sheha in Derna
And his fate is unknown so far
There is strict instructions from Haftar for his forces to prevent filming of physical liquidation, torture and violations , especially after the publication of several recordings proving violations and war crimes
A citizen of Darna was tortured and beaten, and then the filming stopped and his fate is still unknown
The stripping and beating of detainees is a common feature of Hafar's forces when the investigation is carried out
Civil citizen
Psychologically ill
Hafter army entered his house and tied him naked, in the western neighborhood of Sheha in Derna
And his fate is unknown so far
There is strict instructions from Haftar for his forces to prevent filming of physical liquidation, torture and violations , especially after the publication of several recordings proving violations and war crimes
16 junA citizen of Darna was tortured and beaten, and then the filming stopped and his fate is still unknown
The stripping and beating of detainees is a common feature of Hafar's forces when the investigation is carried out
this detainee named mutasem el turkawi
Many reports of personal contacts, eyewitnesses, video filming and photographs all confirm that the Haftar militias involved in
War crimes were committed in Darna
killing without trial
Incursions into civilian homes without legal proceedings
Unarmed civilians were kidnapped and killed before the eyes of their relatives and families
Civilians killed as they were passing by
Theft of property of citizens inside the house (unknown and valuables, household electrical appliances, cars, valuables) and sell them publicly in the markets of Benghazi, El Marj and Tobruk, allocated to the confiscated obtained from Darna
Burning houses, farms and workshops belonging to citizens of Darnah
War crimes were committed in Darna
killing without trial
Incursions into civilian homes without legal proceedings
Unarmed civilians were kidnapped and killed before the eyes of their relatives and families
Civilians killed as they were passing by
Theft of property of citizens inside the house (unknown and valuables, household electrical appliances, cars, valuables) and sell them publicly in the markets of Benghazi, El Marj and Tobruk, allocated to the confiscated obtained from Darna
Burning houses, farms and workshops belonging to citizens of Darnah
Damages in the homes of citizens in the city of Derna as a result of the bombing of Haftar planes and the countries supporting him.

Military vehicles follow Hafar's forces, loaded with furniture and stolen property from the houses of residents of Derna, which are being transferred to the cities of Benghazi, Tobruk, Marj, Abyar, Shehat and Ajdabiya , to be sold there .
, The city turned out to be a terrible picture,
Most of the population has been displaced, the homes of the displaced have been completely stolen
The University of Derna was destroyed and stolen in the "Shehha" area.
The only city hospital (Al-Huraish Hospital) was robbed and vandalized.
The streets and neighborhoods of the city became a pile of debris and blackness.
The bombing of the planes of the countries that supported the Haftar appeared to be clear on the homes of civilians and their vital facilities.
Damages in the homes of citizens in the city of Derna as a result of the bombing of Haftar planes and the countries supporting him.

Military vehicles follow Hafar's forces, loaded with furniture and stolen property from the houses of residents of Derna, which are being transferred to the cities of Benghazi, Tobruk, Marj, Abyar, Shehat and Ajdabiya , to be sold there .
A few weeks after General Haftar's militia seized control of the city of Derna, in the far east of Libya, The city turned out to be a terrible picture,
Most of the population has been displaced, the homes of the displaced have been completely stolen
The University of Derna was destroyed and stolen in the "Shehha" area.
The only city hospital (Al-Huraish Hospital) was robbed and vandalized.
The streets and neighborhoods of the city became a pile of debris and blackness.
The bombing of the planes of the countries that supported the Haftar appeared to be clear on the homes of civilians and their vital facilities.
here are some pictures of "LNA " soldiers while were stealing ..
University of Derna
The hospital of Derna
Down to the date of today, October 28, 2018
The Heftar militias (former Qadhafi militias) continue to commit violations and war crimes against all human values within the city of Derna
One of the mosques (places of worship) where they stormed and messes with its contents and used it as a military site to shoot at their opponents.
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