Air navigation in Libya under the control of evil heads

There are many service sectors in Libya are monopolized and increased prices and protected by the use of bribes paid by the heads of those sectors in exchange for not allow any competitor to enter with them the same market or service area.
For example, the field of civil air transport .."airlines"
In Libya there are several airlines for air transport ..
Libyan Airlines .. a public company under the state treasury.
Afrikyah Airlines is a joint stock company between group of sectors in libya.
Ghadamsya Airlines is a state-owned public company.
Al Buraq Airline .. Private Company.
Air Wings is a private company..

But unfortunately, the transport and air cargo market is exclusively dominated by the Africyah company headed by its director Mr. Abu Bakr al-Furtia, who is financing armed militias that have carried out several criminal acts of kidnapping, torture and threats, all of whom are aimed at eliminating any commercial or marketing competition. Before the rest of the domestic and international airlines, so that the field remains open only to Afrikyah , and remains the lion's share for the management of Mr.Furtia and continue to dominate the aviation market in Libya for the benefit of him & Afrikyah company ..
International transport lines were towed on Tripoli airport, Maitiga and Misurata airports such as:
Turkish, Tunisian, Dutch, Lufthansa, UAE, Qatari, Jordanian, Egyptian and Moroccan Royal ..
Ticket prices on Afrikyah and Libyan lines were cheap and accessible to the simple Libyan traveler until 2014
Where signs of overwhelming desire to dominate the aviation market began
We present several incidents condemning Mr. Furtia and pointing fingers at him:
Storming Misurata airport several times and arriving by car with a 23 mm submachine gun under the Tunisian and Turkish plans
The storming of Maitiga airport several times and the same armed assault on Tunisian plans
kidnapping officials of the Libyan Airlines in the capital Tripoli.
also The kidnapping of officials of Al-Buraq.
These acts of terrorism make the foreign airlines to escape away from Libya, which is better known than what is currently in place, on the one hand on time, competitive prices, and financial commissions to the agencies that issue tickets.

Of course, we do not forget that some airlines, such as Egypt "ms" and the UAE "ek,ey", withdrew licenses to issue tickets from Libya for political reasons and not for other reasons. This happened in 2014 in solidarity with the pro-General militia of General Haftar after being expelled from Tripoli in the battle of the airport.

What is happening now, as a result of the monopolistic monopoly of the Afrikyah company, the lack of interest in any services or air hospitality or handling of luggage, the lack of differences and advantages of business seats Class, lack of respect and accuracy of take-off dates.
Tampering with airport security and air traffic.
To discourage foreign investment in the field of civil aviation within Libya.
This policy by Mr. Furtia and his militias threatens the future of air navigation in Libya.


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