Hafter The mysterious puzzle

Since handing himself over to the CIA in 1987
And his creation of what called the Libyan National Army "LNA" there in US,
Sponsored and protected by the US.
Till came in 2011 and fell of Gaddafi

And entering with NATO leaders to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, more like a guest of hidden or intruder , So began Khalifa Haftar, born in 1943 ,  he and his many sons in orgies and stir unrest
It did not go through a few days of the entry of the Libyan capital in 2011 until his son broke into a fierce clash with armed militia in a bank in  Tripoli, and killed one of its bodyguards


(Video confessions and witness testimony from YouTube)

Then it increased the famous old Hafter when got alliance with Mahmoud Jibril Party, which includes in its entirety supporters of former Gaddafi regime whom backed by UAE ,Egypt and Gulf states
and in the year 2014 to announce from Tunisia that he will freeze all legislative and political bodies that emerged after the February Revolution and there he will lead a military action to liberate the whole of Libya from traitors , the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda (as described) in a comprehensive process dubbed (dignity) " KARAMA".

And it turned out that Hafter does not speak in a vacuum; it was as if everything had been planned and arranged many years ago ..

Has stood beside him many of the great powers and international organisations ,
called the forces led by him the name of (Libyan National Army) ''LNA ", although its formation was a tribal and tribal bases, but that a large proportion of the army was an African mercenaries from the Sudanese opposition, or from Chad, In addition to foreign experts from Egypt, France, England and Italy additionally officers and soldiers from gaddafi EX-brigades

above video of saddam hafter on aug 2011 in tripoli after he was attacked bank of alaman trying to robe it , killed one guard of the bank and he got shot in his legs

hafter 2011 in bin waleed battle vs gaddafi

video of faraj gaiem , militant belong to dignity operation in benghazi 2016 admits that hafter involved in assassination crimes in benghazi

,, Accompanied by a statement to the President of the French government holland that it's time to repair the mistakes of former President Sarkozy , in sign to back hafter

Was a blind eye to international resolutions on the prohibition of entry of arms to Libya where they were supplying fighter helicopters , jets , munitions , military armored vehicles and naval equipment of various types for support the process that led by Hafter , even to the extent of the support by air strikes on some Libyan cities in the east and west to reduce the strength of his opponents on the ground.

Libyans began wondering about the reason for this rapid support from the countries of the world to someone like Hafter and what is the secret of this impulsive man with full force ?? !!
After several months began to attrition and casualties among Hafter landmarks and also when opponents ,,  show little by little began .. Features mass in Benghazi , Derna and Tripoli ..
There are voices began to speak about the reconstruction of the city of Benghazi that right fatal destruction due dignity suspicious process ..

Everyone was surprised when he started leaking information about the name (okba Khalifa Haftar) 40th young millionaire from the US state of Virginia, who managed acompany with unclear specialization
named (Eastern Brothers Group .Co Ltd)

Some guessed that behind this company may be .. US officials want to take advantage of the reconstruction contracts in Libya , after Mr. Hafter shall destroy them .. This means that the Iraqi situation may we see repeated in Libya, one way or another ..
Add to that the boy mindless Saddam that turned by his father, from a civil personal who loves fun and to ensure personal wearing military dress and give him the rank of captain !! Coinciding with the upgrade wonderful quaint old parent of dual nationality prisoner and a retired officer to the rank of marshal! cash all in one

,, And as a comment from the chief of staff of the Air Force Saqr Eljaroshi about upgrading Hafter' son from a civilian to a military officer, he said that the reason for this total dependence on the completion of arms deals on this guy "Saddam " and no one else because it is trustworthy.

The strength of an old Hafter depends locally and regionally on several data: -
hafter belongs to the tribe of Arab Al Furjan, whom are endemic to many areas in Libya, it extends south of Tripoli Turrhouna area till ​​Sirte , also appears in the Far East of Libya ..
They also have blood ties and links with the same tribe in Egypt's Al Furjan ..
Which is considered the birthplace of this multi Gen. affiliations ..
As is well known that Khalifa Haftar holds military medals with the Egyptian army and took part in an ancient Egyptian wars against Israel, and Hafter prouds those decorations.

He admitted in one of the television interviews (many) that Gaddafi gave him a villa in Cairo worth more than 10 million pounds.

This is difficult to explain, the fact that everyone thought it was an opponent of Gaddafi !!

Seddiq Khalifa Hafter " the sun" seen guarded by 2 Egyptian guards when he was wandering around in Cairo ..
This reflects the great interest in security intelligence , high concern for the lives and safety of this man and his family ..

What is more puzzled Libyans, how can a military person who is alleged to be a prisoner in Chad war that turns into a multimillionaire within the United States possesses the mysterious companies, then it becomes the number 1 inside torn country like Libya, and he becomes the leader of internationally-backed and his forces called the "national army"
And the rest of his opponents branded as "militias", "Qaeda", "out law gangs" !!

                                      khaled hafter , leading his own militia called "106" benghazi

                                               seddiq hafter , candidate for the presidency of intelligence

                                     the hafter's family in one of the shows soap companies


Maybe there are mysteries and questions need to be answered and clarified
in order to the eccentric old be able to gain the trust and confidence of the Libyans ..
The most important / Why Hafter allowed to organize " Daesh" to withdraw from the cities of the Far East Libya " Derna and Benghazi" to central and western Libya in Sirte and Bani Walid without the attacking them
** via " @amelgasir  **

" Haftar’s “karama [Dignity]” coalition is made up of several factions: his own clan (Ferjan), tribal militias (from around Benghazi & the East, including Awaqeer tribe), ex-military officers (forced to retirement by GNC decree in September 2013), some military units which deserted the military and joined him, loyalists of the Gaddafi regime (especially from the security agencies), the Madkhali group (followers of a controversial Saudi clerk, Sheikh Raia’ al-Madkhali living in Jeddah), and street gangs (named “Sahawat” [Awakening] in different districts of Benghazi). This coalition is now fracturing, because they have different agendas. The tribal militias from the East, they want secession, or at least self-autonomy of Cyrenaica (the Eastern region) under federal governance structure. They call themselves Federalists, but in fact they are just secessionists. Something that conflicts with Haftar’s plan and he rejects. The Gaddafi regime loyalists, especially those from the Internal Security Agency (ISA), the External Security Agency, and the Revolutionary Committees, are now in control of security apparatus in Haftar’s group. He needed them because of their experience and their network of agents. They have their own agenda, to take revenge on those who kicked them out of power in 2011 and make sure that what happened in 2011 never occur again. Another reason for their extreme violations, including torture & extrajudicial killings, is that this their modus operandi, don’t know rule of law, respect of human rights, etc. This is how they operated for four decades. The Madkhali group, which is an offshoot of the Wahhabi school, but more extreme in their views and are more like a sect than another school of Fiqh (Jurisprudence) of the Schools (Madhhab) of mainstream Sunni Islam. They want their interpretation of Islam to be the dominant one in Libya. They saw in Haftar their opportunity to cleanse Libya from all other groups, they started targeting the Salafi Jihadists, Muslim Brotherhood and the Scriptural (some call Scientific) Salafists. Lately, they turned their attacks on “secularists”, women rights, the Sophists and the Amazigh. They have confess complete obedience, allegiance, to Haftar as a “wali al-Amr” [the Ruler, the Ameer], and Haftar is relying on them as his henchmen, no hesitation to abduct, detain, torture & kill whomever he (Haftar) orders them to attack. Some of the kidnappings & killings, their activities, might be their own agenda. The majority of this, if not all, have no really understanding of Islamic teachings & Jurisprudence, they just repeat what Sheikh Raia’ al-Madkhali writes or says in his recordings or other leading figures of the group, especially from KSA, Egypt and Yemen. Most of them have low education, not even high school diplomas. Now, to the latest mass killings, the 36 found in al-Abyar. Names & backgrounds of some the victims are coming out, so far, the available information reveal that the victims came from different backgrounds. A 71 years old victim, was snatch over two months ago after he delivered the Eid al-Adha (Festival marking end of Hajj) sermon and led the prayers. Information indicate he was a Sophie. A young man, who was living in the UK, was detained on arrival at Benina (Benghazi) airport, in September and disappeared. His body was among those discovered in al-Abyar, he was on his first trip to Libya since before the revolution, missed on all of it. Another victim, him & his father work at the Internal Security Agency (ISA) in Benghazi. He was abducted a couple of months ago, shortly after he reported back to duty. He was absent from ISA since the revolution, some report that he joined the revolution in 2011. Another victim, a young man who was snatched from his home a week or so before the massacre. His family claim that he was minding his own business, never joined any group. Few victims, their background indicate they participated in the 2011 revolution. But all of them took neutral stance vis-à-vis the Benghazi war between Haftar & the BRSC (Benghazi Revolutionaries Shura Council) and continued to live and working Benghazi. Neither did they join either party in the war no did they flee the city, one concludes from that, that they did not fear for their safety to stay in Benghazi, did not expect to be targeted. That is the only common factor between them, they were residing (except the guy arriving from UK) in Benghazi when they were abducted. It is ruthless killing, probably intended to sow fear in the minds of those who the perpetrators perceive as enemies, the name for that terrorism. Still gathering information. "

Talal Al Sheikhi He works as a security guard soldier at the "Aman " bank in Tripoli Appeared in a video post explaining how Saddam khalifa hafter attacked the "Aman " bank on jan2012 And how he killed one of the bank guards and was injured in the leg
Talal al-Sheikhi was kidnapped from Tripoli on 2016 and transferred to the region of Wershefana where he was killed, beheaded and hung his head on the front of a shop there
Saddam hafter is a direct involved in the murder of the victim: Talal al-Sheikhi (because Talal was a direct witness to a felony committed by Saddam Hafter), and also killed a bank guard and attempted to steal a public bank using the force of arms. I think that Saddam hafter should be brought to the international courts and his name on the wanted list to be investigated
Names of all offenders involved in killing Talal el-shikhi , and some details


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