Summary of events and suffering faced by the people of Libya

Are international missions to Libya seriously interested about the humanitarian aspects and the protection of civilians , to protect their property and livelihoods?
Is there a detailed and documented reports of casualties and abuses suffered by civilians and their property as a result of the implementation of the so-called process of dignity 'karama' led by a fellow veteran Gaddafi , which happened in Benghazi , Derna and Ajdabiya?

Add to that a frank and open violation of international resolutions banning weapons of all kinds and in which the involved Western and Arab countries
And sophisticated weapons by air, sea and land without any comment or international condemnation

The bodies of children and civilians were seen lying in the garbage in more than one location in Benghazi, and more than once ..
Buildings, condominium , residential neighborhoods and the streets were completley destroyed in Benghazi
There are historical landmarks and hotels in the city have disappeared completely from the map

Hafter used explosive barrels in the same quality that we see used by assad in Syria
Add to that some of the air strikes against opponents of Hafter has done by sophisticated flight from Egypt, France and Emirates fell to the impact civilians in Darnah and Benghazi, including women and children
There are air raids took place in the capital of Tripoli in 2014, still not declared by any country has announced responsibility about it till this moment.

A hushed and juicy strange party by the UN and + the UN Security Council and the international mission "unsmil", which rotate the presidency more than five envoys did not show any positive results nor neutrality or humanitarian When filing their reports to the Security Council #UNSC
It has been observed on Gen. Hafter employing mercenary soldiers from Chad and the sudanese opposition Movement for Justice and Equality 
It is not known the size of transactions concluded by Hafter "or who will pay the use " of such gangs of dark skins Under the Arab Libyan National Army "LNA" .
The bodies of Francis soldiers were seen near benghazi 2016 ,also Egyptians and Africans in Benghazi and near Ajdabiya and in the Crescent oil region, as communication devices were seen and Western weapons, mostly French in Benghazi, and documented activists pictures of the pilots foreigners in the airstrip Ras Lanuf believed to be the English pilots are directly supporting Hafter , add to that UAE air base detected near topruq & France DM didn't deny the presence of their officers on the ground east libya.

Adding to the surprise that international efforts to form a consensus libyan government "GNA"and parliaments have been approved, at least in writing of all parties except the puzzle general, eccentric, who backed by the same countries that claim compatibility and reconciliation support, until this moment, Hafter deny the peaceful compatibility process and refuses to join any political nor military formation in Libya, repeats in his words liberation of Libya from the collaborators and traitors phrases which are very much like what reported by Gaddafi all long 42 years ago.

Although the intervention of some countries, such as Egypt in the internal affairs of Libya has become more than obvious
Whether on the political side or military or even economic
Rumors that have abounded that after Hafter controls the ports and oil fields, Egypt has obtained the free oil shipments
free of charge.
There is a road network linking the Egyptian side to the Libyan Jaghboub lake village far eastern area rich of ​​oil and gas and fresh water .
which is believed that Hafter and PM altinni have waived it to the favor of the Egyptian government.

he suffering of the people in Libya have begun to increase day after day has been lengthened because of the failure and negative and corruption on the part of countries that have adopted topple Gaddafi in 2011 and abandoned the support of democratic process in Libya .
Libya today produces approximately one million barrels of oil per day and production is increasing day after day, without any improved of main living needs, but on the contrary, fully Commodity prices go up fantastically, and a large delay in the payment of salaries, also the burdening of the state by African and Libyan smuggling rings, which did not leave any electrical facility , an agricultural project , camp , car citizens nor food commodities but smuggled to the south nieghbour countries.

 Libyan-backed gangs in the north, some of them belonging to Gaddafi and Hafter Army Brigades "LNA" deliver the protection tribal and clan from the region, home.
The most serious problem is that some guerrilla sabotage does not smuggling but only carry out the destruction and burning, especially in projects that affect the daily lives of humans, such as drinking water line extending from the desert in the south to the north, where he will witness a week bombing of a special valves near pro-Gaddafi tribes such as Bani Walid , Asaba'a, shwairf
As well as sabotage operations by cut internet cables and telephone communications around the capital Tripoli 
Some observers trace the former regime accused of specialized gangs operate in an orderly and systematic in order to crack down on citizens' lives and force them to come out against the new system, which have not had a chance to work yet.

to be continue , with more details next days , thanx


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