Extinguishing the Libyan Spring Candle - Salwa Bughaigis

Assassination and war on a desperate election day

Salwa Saad Bughaigis (24 April 1963 -25 June 2014 ) a Libyan political and rights activist and one of the founders of Libya's National Transitional Council. She served as vice president of the Preparatory Committee for National Dialogue, was assassinated at her home on 25 June 2014 by masked persons.

With lawyer Fathi Terbel and some activists in the court complex HQ in Benghazi, was part of the defense committee in the Abu Salim prison massacre that took place in Tripoli at the hands of Qadhafi's regime in 1996, killing more than 1,200 prisoners outside the courts and legal frameworks.
Salwa was the first woman in Benghazi on February 15, 2011 graduated at night with some activists and activists in front of the court complex to cheer her famous "nodi nodi ya benghazi , jak elyoum elli feeh etraji "="Get up, Benghazi, the long-awaited day has come !"
benghazi 15 feb 2011
Announcing the beginning of the first spark in the February 17 revolution that toppled the rule of military dictator Muammar Gaddafi .

Salwa Bughaigis was fluent in her English language, defending the Libyans' revolt against Gaddafi
She was active in terms of human rights, legal law, defending freedoms, demanding justice, she was the better who leading the popular demonstrations in Benghazi, she was a leading woman with all the meaning of the word.
All these aspects have not been palpable by Gaddafi regime leaders who seek to restore their military strength from the Libyan east ,Especially from Benghazi, and re-take control of it again away from media activists and defenders of freedoms ,
Especially in 2014, the start of the military operation "dignity -KARAMA"supported by Egypt and the United Arab Emirates in order to restore the control of military rule in Libya
29jun 2013 protesting the massacre of Abu Salim and demanding the rights of the families of the victims and showing justice

This process, which came after being prepared and submitted by a campaign of fierce assassinations
During the preparation and preparation process secretly launch the process of "dignity"
A campaign of assassinations eliminated all symbols of the February revolution and all its activists
, all its military, media, judicial and also religious symbols
Accompanied by the launch of media channels financed by countries that have adopted and supported financially and militarily to back everything related to the imposition of a military ruler in Libya
And because the implementation of all these assassinations is one hand .. And because the goal was also one goal, which is the same goal both in 2011 the start of the revolution, or in 2013 the period of preparation for the process of dignity ..
The result will be one in all cases ..
The revenge of those who wished to be liberated, and the return of the military dictatorship to the country.
And terrorizing activists and lawyers so that they do not dream of opening their mouths again in the future
To name a few ..
The assassination of the cameraman of Al - Jazeera Hassan al - Jaber in Benghazi 12 March 2011
The assassination of media activist Mohammed Nabous in Benghazi, March 19, 2011, founder of the first media channel in support of the February Revolution
Assassination of Abdulsalam al-Massmari 26 July 2013 / One of the lawyers in the Abu Selim Prison Massacre / one of the founders of the February Revolution
The assassination of Salwa Bughaigis , June 2014 / one of the lawyers in the case of the massacre of Abu Salim prison / one of the founders of the February revolution
Assassination of bloggers and media : Tawfiq bin Soud and Sami al-Kuwafi / in the area of ​​fwiht Benghazi 19 September 2014
The assassination of the human rights activist Mohamed Bughaigis on October 20, 2016 in front of a coffee shop in Benghazi
Assassinations of media activists, lawyers and military officers who took part in the February 17 revolution from Benghazi
And the choice of the human rights figure miftah abu zaied , who is known for his criticism of the Islamists, to be assassinated, because this helps the killers fabricate the charge of killing in Benghazi against the extremist Islamic groups and descrime all symbols of February 17 as ISIS in Order to generalize the description of terrorism to all their enemies
And change the view of the people in Libya to reclassify the rebels into terrorism instead of liberation
Sami al-Kuwafi and Tawfiq bin Soud

The assassination of the head of the Intelligence Committee in Benghazi Ibrahim Senoussi, an army officer who refused to join the process of dignity led by Haftar
The assassination of all air force officers in Benghazi who refused to join the process of dignity led by Haftar.

It was a campaign of punitive assassinations aimed at punishing everyone who was the cause of the end of the dictatorial military dictatorship.
The assassinations and bombings still continues targeting Benghazi , despite General hafter's control of the all entire city. people has not survived these systematic assassinations, but when managed to escape outside Libya or to the western cities as diplaced .. ,, Benghazi IDPs continue to receive threats from Hafar's loyalists and accusations that they are followers of al-Qaeda and terrorism.
The financial strength of Gaddafi's supporters, who settled in Egypt, UAE, Jordan, France, South Africa, Germany, Oman, Jordan, Tunisia, Britain, America, Saudi Arabia, Russia ... This financial influence gave them the ability to create an anti-revolutionary revolution, , And helped them in this is the freeze of the Libyan assets in the face of the General National Congress in Tripoli "GNC", which made him lose control quickly on the course of events in and outside Libya, and shows the appearance of the weak , and unable to meet the aspirations of the people in Libya..
The slowing in releasing of the frozen assets was carried out by foreign countries who claimed at the beginning of the revolution that they were "friends of the Libyan people " and supporters of the February revolution, but the days proved the exact opposite !

come back to say that:

Ms. Salwa had a Facebook account, followed by thousands of Libyans of different orientations , social and political classes.
Her views and hopes are published on her daily Facebook page.

At the start of Operation Alkarama "dignity" , led by General Hafter, and since his first coup against the National Congress was announced, Salwa was one of the strongest supporters.
But it is striking that one week before her assassination, Ms. Salwa's leaflets changed to protest the war shape of Haftar's  in Benghazi and Derna
Especially the method of indiscriminate shelling randomly  of civilian homes and the forcible displacement of Libyan families from Benghazi, especially families with origins from western Libya.
And considered it "unacceptable as a target for the Libyan army," which we support and aspire to impose his control

She also began publishing articles in which she fights the direction of black-flags federalists who aspired to divide Libya and declare the independent state of "Barqa" in the Libyan east.
In 2014, the movement of federalists in the eastern Libyan and in the Crescent oil was considered at the height of its strength ,political and military violence
And had the military leadership of the militia, the most prominent of them:
Izzeddin al-Wakwak
Essam Al jehani
al seddiq el ghithi
Salah hwidi
Salah Abu lgaib
Ibrahim Al-Jadhran
Salem Al-Jadhran
Faraj eghaiem
Abdel Basset Haroun Alshahibi
,, additionally to un Federalist team : Assassination faction in the special forces of "Saeqa"
Led by captain Mahmoud al-Werfally

From 2012 to 2015, the National Alliance of powers and its President, Mahmoud Jibril, who lives in the United Arab Emirates, has been always support " in  written statements or television interviews" supporting the movements of the militias and parties of the federal bloc in eastern Libya.

Salwa was assassinated on Wednesday, 25 June 2014, inside her house , two hours after she returned from the polling center "an electoral vote" after she voted for the Libyan parliament elections
Here I would like to ask an obvious question:
Can the employee at the polling center know who she was voted for him and can he contact any party in Benghazi to tell them that Salwa has given her vote to the person you do not like and do not want to exist in the hierarchy of power ?!
just a question ..

then ..
After Salwa returned to her home in the Hawari area near the cement factory
climbed to the roof of her house at the top because she wanted to document what she heard from heavy gunfire and shelling with heavy weapons
Al-Naba'a television channel in evening news made a phone call with The victim , who her voice was clearly in a state of concern and confusion, explained that she was standing on the roof of her house. She saw heavy smoke rising near the cement factory as a result of the clashes. The gunfire was heard loudly in the background of the call. She said that the soldiers of the Libyan army "meant hafter's troops " are deployed even within neighboring farms , She said at the end of the call that at a very close distance about 100 meters from her house there are military armed cars, armed with machine guns, she said she did not know the type of weapon, but she thought it was a 14.5 "

The victim took pictures of cars surrounding her house at close range
And posted them on her Facebook page
The page was electronically attacked "reported" after the murder and was closed. " Unfortunately "
I personally entered her page after hours since her assassination and I took SnapShots from some of her recent publications.
"The situation is very severe"

zoom+ this pic^ barga's slogan 

* The victim said she saw military vehicles with machine guns
If she saw cars belonging to radical Islamists raising black flags, she would mentioned that in the TV channel call
Because she is a courageous and precise woman in describing what surrounds her.
* The last post on the victim fb page was carrying pictures of cars close to her house using stickers belonging to the Libyan army, and flying a black flag "with the slogan of the federalists" "tenderly".

* It seems that the people who were surrounded the house of the victim noticed that they are filming, and some of them began to hide his face away from the camera.

* In The house on the crime moment were Salwa, her husband Esam Ghariani, newly elected member of the Benghazi Municipal Council, and the housekeeper of an Egyptian nationality named Saleh Abdelkader.

* In her publications, Salwa often expressed her deep love for the February Revolution against Gaddafi and how Libya got rid of a vicious dictator and a bitter enemy of freedom and justice. The revolution gave freedom to media and activists to change their efforts positively in building Libya and teaching Libyans the basics of democracy and Electoral methods and political integrity.

* These slogans were not admired by commentators who were originally supporters of Gaddafi and the process of dignity.
additionally ,
Photos and TV broadcast by Salwa from the roof of her house
Proved to the world that Hafter was bombing Benghazi during parliamentary elections
This is legally prohibited "as known to all"
Because the day of political elections the voter "citizen " must feel comfortable , comfortable in choosing , freedom of expression , and political election
The documentation of these irregularities by Salwa disturbs the operation room of dignity campaign led by hafter .
she was repeat what she said in alnaba TV , seems so scare under LNA shelling
on hawari area

in the bottom she responded that she couldn't move out home because her position house is under fire

said : Thick smoke next to cement factory
The bombing is concentrated on the outskirts of the city, please be patient until 8 pm, do not want the electoral process to fail
We will not allow them to derail the electoral process
it is clear in this post that she was accuse hafter of attacking benghazi for the purpose of thwarting the electoral process
We are determined to build the new Libya that we dreamed of

In the evening approx 20:00 - 21:00 pm
that was the time of preparing "Ramadan iftar meal" , The victim's house was broken into
By a masked armed group, one of them was said unmasked
Salwa victim was killed in the kitchen room, grotesquely, several shots in the chest, abdomen, head, with knife stabs
The guard was shot in the leg.
The victim's husband "esam el gheryani " was kidnapped " unknown fate til this moment "
The house guard was taken to Benghazi Medical Center Hospital.
Soon after, according to the testimony of the nursing staff, a military force arrived and transferred the wounded house guard to the "Fuweihat "police station in benghazi


fb page of khaled turhony released photos of the salwa house keeper's body
tortured as seen , and wounded in his leg after handed from fwihat police st
Mr. Salah Marghani, Minister of Justice in the Government of Ali Zidan
He rushed to Benghazi on June 26,
He was present at a working meeting, inside the Fuweihat police headquarters,
a security headquarters affiliated to the Ministry of Justice
There are those who confirmed that the Minister of Justice was an eyewitness and stood beside the guard of the victim's house when he was alive investigating .
Mr. Salah El-Margany After the death of the Egyptian guard, he denied in statement this novel, but did not deny his presence in the police station at the time for the purpose of reviewing the proceedings of the investigation, and also for the purpose of offering condolences to the victim's relatives in benghazi.

In the past, Mr. Salah al-Marghani held several meetings at security headquarters in Benghazi, which is followed by the Ministry of Justice, which is its president. Among those places is the headquarters of the "Saeqa"Brigade, headed by wanis Boukhamada, and the Fuweihat police station, where the crime of torture was committed. The assassination of Salwa Bughaigis .

Two days later, the bodyguard was returned to hospital 1200, a dead body
His body showed horrible signs of torture

The National Council for Public Freedoms and Human Rights, on June 28, 2014, asks the Attorney-General of Benghazi to investigate the killing of the housekeeper : Saleh Ahmed Abdel Qader, the Egyptian national, and the reason for the appearance of torture on his body after being handed over to Hospital 1200 Benghazi.

unfortunately , the Attorney-General of Benghazi Mr . Abdel Nasser al-Jaroushi has been kidnapped in a mysterious circumstances !
Spokesman for the "Joint Security Room Benghazi" Mr. Ibrahim Shara
In a television interview, he said that the only witness who was the bodyguard of the victim's house had been transferred to the medical center in Benghazi with a live bullet in his leg, and the excessive interrogation "torture" made his health deteriorate, leading to his death.
After the killing of the only witness ..
We will follow with you the fate of everyone who has seen the testimony of the housekeeper before he die

Abdel Nasser al-Jaroushi (the official responsible for the investigation into the issue of Salwa Bughaigis assassination ), in his capacity as prosecutor in the South Benghazi court, was taken to Qernada prison near al-Marj city, under the control of General Hafter.
He disappeared since that day.

Officer Nasser bin Zablah: He is the police officer who investigated the only witness /
Was assassinated in front of his house accompanied by Anas al-Haddad, "colleague at work"
Where unknown assailants fired a barrage of bullets in the Salmani district on July 3, 2014


right Now :
The only witness killed
Husband / Missing since the day of the crime, no impact on his life until this day.
The officer who interrogated the only witness was killed along with his fellow policeman.
The justice minister, who supports the Karama movement and one of the followers of Mahmud Jibril's camp, remains silent and denies having seen the only witness before his death at the police station.
The prosecutor in the court of South Benghazi / Abdel-Nasser Ali al-Jarushi / the last who attended the hearing of the injured Egyptian guard , Was arrested and transferred to the prison of Qurnada , does not know its fate until this day ..! .

The loyalists of the Egyptian-UAE camp, want to distort the truth and spread lies in the international media and international human rights conferences that Salwa was killed by extremist followers of the Ansar al-Sharia organization.
If so, why do they say that a sum of money has been stolen from the victim's house?
Note that all the people of Benghazi know that it was not recorded in the past nor any incident financial theft from a house or building against the organization of Ansar Sharia?!

add , the only witness kidnapped and tortured til death in a police station never belong to Ansar Sharia ! , and the other officials killed only after they investigate the witness

While all the evidence , even those that have been obliterated, "confirms that the hand that lasted Salwa and silenced the voice of the followers of the former regime, who stood at the 1th spark of the process of dignity with the row of Hafter and the Egyptian intelligence that swept the Libyan east in a terrible way
Aisha Gaddafi has said more than once that she will avenge her father's death
, stopped after the year 2015 of the announcement and the issuance of television data then left the task to Mr. Ahmed Keddav addam
Salwa bughaiges represents a very desirable target to Aisha Gaddafi as she is the first cry of a Libyan woman in Libya on the night of February 15, 2011
A chant that made the Libyans in Benghazi come out against the Qadhafi regime
Salwa was with Fathi Terbel, the defenders of families of former prisoners , a group of jurists and lawyers are the first nucleus of the February 17 revolution that toppled Gaddafi
In 2014, there were several groups hostile to all the symbols of the February Revolution
Especially in Benghazi
A class of Gaddafi supporters
Category of supporters of federalism and division of Libya
A group of supporters of the Egyptian intervention and the formation of the army on the Egyptian way, and these followers Haftar
A group of supporters of the establishment of a homeland for African migrants from the tribe of the Tabu in the south of Libya
A category calling for the removal of oil fields and ports from all Libyan cities in the western

These groups agreed that Haftar would be its military commander in order to fight and thwart the February Revolution project, which did not get the chance for his birth and growth, and was disqualified from the beginning, and from the starting point that is Benghazi
The killing of witnesses, the imprisonment of the enforced disappearance of interrogators, the concealment of documents and records of the investigation, all contributed to changing the direction of the finger to the character that everyone likes to accuse when they want to escape responsibility, which is "Ansar AL-shareiaa."
And here the accusation is not in need of strong evidence or investigation or prosecutors, but only needs propaganda media, and nonsense in the means of social media net .
There is an important observation: that in addition to hiding witnesses and evidence associated with the crime, the electronic attack "reports" was also on the page of the victim Salwa and was closed, because it contained publications condemning the bloc supporting the Egyptian intervention at the time
The account of Izz al-Din al-Wakwak, the account that showed publications that incite hatred of all civil society activists who were the cause of the February 17 revolution
Among his publications that were revealed on the day of the murder of the victim:( the girl who asked Benghazi rise up was killed a little while ago, I hope she will never rise up again..)

This was the comment of Izz al-Din al-Wakwak on his personal page that was deleted from Facebook

The son of the victim / his name is Wayel Ghariani
Ask all those interested in Salwa abughaiges to try to hold a press conference with Mr. Wayel 
He will tell you all the truth

A press interview conducted by the magazine "hunasotak" with Wayel Ghariani

" Wayel Ghariani said: "They killed my mother and abducted my father, and I still hope for a peaceful Libya." "I am not a political activist or a rights activist, but all I do is charity activities, but a month and a half ago, I was subjected to repeated assassination attempts in benghazi
He confirmed that he had filed a complaint with the police, but the police confirmed that he was unable to do anything. He went to Jordan looking for security and safety. When they returned to kill my mother, they asked her about me personally.
Wayel added : "Those who wanted to kill me were the ones whom killed my mother." They were targeting me as a threat to my mother, to burn my mother's heart on me. "
"They carried out their threats, killed her and kidnapped my father."

There is no news about my father, and I feel tied outside Libya, and the stories that reach me are different and sometimes contradictory."
All that Wayel hopes for is to be contacted by the ones who kidnapped his father a day and asks for a ransom. But nothing happens and wait long and long, he says

We are not the first to be exposed to what happened," Wayel said calmly, "but I wish we were the last to happen to him, but dozens went to my mother during the month of that Ramadan. Faced with the great event that struck Wayel and his brothers, they hope that Libya will enjoy peace one day
translation ended

cnn TV meeting with salwa's son

NYT report

After killing and hiding key witnesses in the crime
The original investigative report was also hidden, in which the bodyguard of the victim's house's testimonies was documented ,And was replaced by a false and fabricated investigation record, in which the details of the crime were stated on the grounds that the attackers had the purpose of stealing !,
If you see the first pictures of the kitchen and the bloodstained floor, you will see some thing like the mobile device of the victim still lying on the ground ?!


on 11 nov 2014
fb group belong to gaddafi regime said
that the house of salwa has been burned

=== 11sep 2012 benghazi

The most dangerous criminal on the level of Libya
The criminal who has all the secrets of previous assassinations in Benghazi from 2011 to 2015
Ezz eddein elwakwak
Concerts with his family at City Stars Hotel in Cairo, costing 250 euros per night

And it remains
  The symbol of hope assassination mystery in the Libyan spring
Is a mysterious mystery like the mystery of the Libyan future, whose candles are extinguished in Benghazi, Derna and Misurata
Because of assassinations, wars and injustice 


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